Chapter 8

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I don't know how this is going to work but I trusted Holly. She said she would text James, warning him that David might be trying to get into my house. He would have to come and see because she was taking care of Cody. I did my normal routine, getting ready for bed. I didn't expect James to appear in front of me. Once I turned off the lights, I laid in bed waiting...

I accidently fell asleep. Before I could kick myself, something was walking in my room. Slowly opening one of my eyes, it was James. He was searching around my room. He went to check the bathroom, then came back out. I closed my eyes and pretended like I was sleeping. His fingers ran down my face. I wanted to react so badly. A phone started vibrating. His fingers left my face. "Hello?" He whispered.

"Do not just vanish and go home from there. Cody thinks David is invisible and waiting to follow you." It was Holly. Her voice was loud enough for me to tell. James sounded like he was going to protest. "James, just walk home. We don't need you getting taken next." He whispered something and hung up. I wanted to see what he was doing but I didn't want him to know I was awake. Without warning, my body was lifted out of bed. I remained calm. James puffed to himself. "It's not Holly's job to protect you, it's mine." My head rested on his shoulder. He headed downstairs with me and headed out the back door. I was still pretending to be asleep. Next thing I felt was nothing. Slowly opening my eyes, the clouds were around me. The moon was shining tonight. I looked up. James was using his wings to fly. I was nervous and nuzzled into his chest. It seemed like we were flying forever. But I had no idea where he was taking me. I was actually starting to get sleepy again. I couldn't keep myself awake and fell back asleep.

I woke up in a place I wasn't familiar with. It was a room that had the basic stuff in it. I was lying in a king size bed with grey sheets. Sitting up, my eyes studied the room more. The door opened and James walked in. I was surprised to see him. He stared at me; no expression was on his face. "You're awake."

"James... where am I?" I spoke as my eyes still looked around the room.

"My place. I was going to take you back. You've been sleeping for a while." I got out of bed and went over to him. He left the doorway. I followed him into another room. "Why are you running?" I asked.

James wouldn't look at me. I tried to touch his shoulder, but he backed away. I sighed. "If you don't want me here, I'll leave." He didn't say anything. I quietly left the room and went back into the room I was in. Arms wrapped around me. Turning around, James was holding me close. His eyes stared into mine. "I can't do it anymore Jess." I was confused. "You were right earlier. I don't love Maddie. Yet I'm only with her because I thought it would keep you safe. I was wrong." His forehead touched mine. "I have to make things right." He kissed my head and let me go. He glanced back at me. "Just stay here for a few minutes and I'll be back."

A loud noise hit the roof. I quickly chased after James down the hallway. He looked at me confused. "What's wrong?"

"I heard something." My finger pointed at the ceiling. James levitated up through the roof. My eyes widened. He came back down and smiled. It was the first time I've seen him smile in weeks. "It's only an owl." His hand gently touched my cheek. "You are safe here. Go back in the room." I went back in and sat on the bed. A few minutes passed, then my ears heard someone screaming. It wasn't James. I snuck down the hallway till I found the noise. James had the door shut to a crack. He was on the phone. I stood there and listened quietly.

"Maddie, I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry but I don't love you." James sounded apologetic.

"SHE PUT YOU UP TO THIS! OR WAS IT HOLLY?" Maddie was screaming through the phone. James was dumping Maddie! He was being a decent guy and telling her. But over the phone... it was better than in person when it came to her. "We're just going to continue trying to figure out what David wants."

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