Ch.3 {New Friend}

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3rd person, cuz why not.
(And POVs are hard.)

Moth, had spent two days with Oz, as he rarely left his office. Oz gave moth a soft blanket and now they spent most of their wrapped in said blanket, so far moth has stolen Oz's cane, which Oz managed to get back, and is currently holding his mug and a book he was reading hostage inside of their blanket wrap.

Moth was sitting in a chair that was in the corner of the office while sketching on a piece of paper, sometimes Moth stopped sketching looked up at Ozpin who was doing some paper work and then they would continue to sketch.

In the two days Oz has spent with Moth he had already learned many things about them, Moth was infatuated with the smallest of trinkets if the thing was shiner the more likely Moth was going to steal it, Moth some how always knew when someone was coming to the office and who it was. (Moth has nicknames for the people they met) Moth likes to stare, just stare at nothing, it's creepy.  Moth will draw people (Moth is really good a drawing) but never their faces even if they know what the persons face looks like.

So here were the two, both doing their own thing sitting in silence.

Moth looked up at Oz another time before they stood up and walk to Oz.

(Moth): 🎵!

(Ozpin): Well hello moth, do you have something to show me?

Moth held up a picture that they drew (think of the area in the Golden Wasteland where you meet the krill for the first time, yes Moth drew a krill in the background)  it could be described a ancient ruins it had tall columns about three of them had toppled over, in what appeared to be the middle of the area was a structure that had collapsed and just in the was a beast that had two horns and had at lest nine pairs of legs.

(Ozpin): Ah. (I'm sorry I don't know how anybody would react to a drawn picture of the first krill area.)

Moth set the photo on the corner of Oz's desk and just like that Moth was back in their chair.

(Moth): 🎶?

(Ozpin): Yes Moth?

(Moth): A🎵 we friends?

Oz chuckled before answering

(Ozpin): I supposed so.

A sound that could be described as the purest form of joy could be heard from Moth, the surrounding area glowed softly as if Moth's joy was affecting the light of the room.

A/N: I'm calling Moth a Skyling now, that's what I'm calling them from now on. And to be clear Moth's name is Moth but their species is called Skylings now. Screw you this change will make writing future chapters easier.

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