Ch.9 {Fallen Town}

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A skyling wearing the Peeking Postman's mask wanders through a forest that is not from the sky but on the world of Remmenant, they picked up semi large sticks that have fallen onto the ground "Coello!" another skyling shouts out "Everyone else got worried when you took too long to come back to the town, so they sent me to look for you." The skyling explained. "Oh" replied softly Coello "I'm sorry Querido, I didn't mean to worry you and the town." Querido just sighed and told Coello "It's alright let me help you carry those sticks back to town." Coello nodded as Querido picked up some of the sticks and the two returned to the town.

Coello was on of the many skyling who were banished from the sky, most of them always landed near the town, close enough for the other fallen to see them plummeting from the sky, those who didn't fall close enough to the town for the fallen to bring them back by nightfall where considered lost. Coello didn't agree with this, they didn't like this rule at all, just a few months ago they saw the path of a falling skyling but the first fallen said that they landed in a dangerous area and so they were left there to fend for their self.

But Coello need the town to survive so they didn't make a fuss, after sometime the pair had made their way back, Coello was greeted by the worried voices of the many fallen in the village and out of courtesy they apologized profusely after this process was over the pair of fallen made their way to the stick pile that was used the make frames for mud huts the village was composed of.  After a mild talking to by the elder fallen Coello was allowed to take a break before the sun started to set, during their break Coello's mind wandered to the world they now lived in. Everything was strange this world didn't share the same moon as the sky even though this world was supposedly underneath the clouds and after some time in this world skylings would start to loose light during the nighttime, they never lost light in the sky when it was night and the only reason they slept up there was for pleasure not necessity but down here and was quite the opiate. But of course there are the creatures those things were like Krill, those creatures are made of pure darkness not even a pinch of light, but the difference between those things and krill is that krill stole light and kept it in their bodies so at lest skylings could sense them coming but those things didn't have any light in their system so many fallen are at risk.

Coello sighed at their situation they could break the rules of the town, be banished and possibly die, or they could suffer. All Coello needed was something big to happen and maybe that big thing would give them an answer on what to do.

Little did Coello now is that big thing would come sooner than they thought.

I'm finally done with this chapter readers, sorry this chapter took so long, anyways I start school on the 11th so my update might come out the same rate kingdom hearts games do. So in the time between now and the next chapter play a little game, read a book from a fandom you don't follow that much and see how long it takes for books from the same fandom to stop being recommended to you.

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