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The day of Jahseh's funeral was today. I got up and prepared Gekyume and myself. I entered the living room after finishing getting both of us ready and saw Stokeley buttoning up his shirt.

As he finished buttoning up his shirt, Stokeley remarked, "You ready?"

"Yes," I responded as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, Gekyume clutched in my arms.

Stokeley stepped into the car, and we proceeded to the cemetery where Jahseh would be laid to rest.

(I'm skipping the actual funeral part 🖤)


Everyone gathered at Jenesis and Jahseh's house after Jahseh's funeral for a dinner and party to commemorate his life.

"This was such a lovely service," adds Jahseh's aunt, Tana, to the rest of the gathering in the living room.

"What will happen to the child? Is anyone aware?" Another lady says as she consumes the food on her plate,

"Oh yeah, mar you didn't hear?" Tana said as she turns to the lady.

"No?" Mar asks, turning to Tana.

"They named one of their friends. Yeah the single girl who cooks." Tana said as she looked around trying to spot solána.

"Oh, and Jahseh's best friend, the one who always wears the durags," Another guy mentions as he joined Tana and Mars' talk,

"That's interesting. So they'll be around." Mar says as she looks around the house for stokeley.


I went around the house making sure everyone had a plate of food and a drink in hand. I went inside the kitchen after checking to see my grandmother and Gekyume.

My grandmother was looking after Gekyume at the funeral right now so I could focus on other matters.

"Grandma, thank you so much for your assistance. It would not have been possible without you." I said as I approached my grandmother and kissed her on the cheek,

My grandmother adds, "Your welcome, solána," as she continues to play with Gekyume.

"Can you keep an eye on him for another minute? I have to go talk to Stokeley and some of Jahseh's family members." I said as I went away from my grandmother to find Stokeley,

When I saw Stokeley strolling about the house with a cup of Hennessy in his hand, I told him, "There's a lot of them."

"All we have to do now is find one." According to Stokeley. We were looking for someone to look after Gekyume because Stokeley and I were not good enough to.


"I heard your Jahsehs auntie and uncle," I said as I approached the first couple to check whether they could accommodate Gekyume,

"Hey! Be careful!" Jahseh's uncle stated as he pursued a toddler around the home,

"Sorry, eight kids are a handful," replied Jahseh's auntie, nervously giggling.

"Anyway, sweetheart, you were saying." As she focused on me, Jahseh's aunt added.

"Oh, no worries, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I uttered it with my teeth clenched. His auntie and uncle couldn't possibly care for Gekyume if they couldn't even care for their own eight children.


I went to Jenesis aunt, who was single but financially secure, while Stokeley was chatting to Jahseh's aunt and uncle.

"I had to come see Jahseh and say my goodbyes. I can't believe he's already passed away." Jenesis aunt spoke as she wiped her tears with a napkin.

"Yeah. I appreciate it." I said this as I nervously looked down at my feet before returning my gaze to Jenesis aunt.

"Yeah, plus I don't have a show today, so why not?" As she shrugged her shoulders, Jenesis aunt replied.

"Oh, the show? What are you displaying?" I expressed my curiosity about her career because I had never spoken to her before. All I know about her is that she is wealthy.

"I'm a stripper, of course. So I have gigs almost every day, but not today, thankfully." She remarked this as she picked at her long fake nails.

"Oh. That's exciting, and I'm delighted you'll were able to come." I said as I moved away slowly. I didn't think it was a good idea for Gekyume's guardian to be a stripper, we needed someone who was safe and there with him at all times,

Stokeley and I visited a number of relatives, but none of them could watch Gekyume. Ed, Jenesis' grandfather, was the final person we met.

Ed stared at Gekyume and said, "Wow, he looks exactly like Jahseh."

"Exactly like him." As I looked at Ed, I said. He was dressed in a black suit and sat on the couch. He was also fitted with a breathing tube.

"We were thinking that since your gekyume's grandfather... it could be a good idea if your gekyume's gu-" Stokeley said before Gekyume accidently pulled Ed's breathing tube off.

"GEKYUME!" I shouted as I jumped to my feet and grabbed him. Since Ed was coughing, Stokeley handed him his breathing tube.

"I'm very sorry. Are you all right, my man?" As he handed Ed his breathing tube, Stokeley stated. Ed nodded as he inhaled deeply through the breathing tube.

"It's like new." Ed added, As Stokeley turned around and walked towards me, afraid,

"Is he breathing?" I asked as I tried not to giggle at what had just happened with Gekyume, Stokeley slightly nodded with a small smile appearing on his lips

Stokeley and I locked eyes, both trying not to laugh out loud. I carefully stood up and walked out of the living room, holding Gekyume, as Stokeley trailed behind me.


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