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"If you wanted to kill me, there were closer alleys by my house," I said to Jay as we walked side by side down a dark alley behind these big buildings,

"I swear you'll live," Jay replied, laughing as he came to a halt next to a door. He gave me a quick glance before opening the door and motioning for me to enter first.

I gave a grateful nod before entering a pristine white restaurant with marble flooring and black outlines on the walls, which I found fascinating.

I stood there for a time, taking everything in, until I felt Jay's presence behind me, prompting me to turn towards him.

"Wow," I said as I smiled at Jay, who returned the gesture, "Come on," Jay said as he extended his hand towards me, and I grabbed his hand in mine and followed him.

"Here we are," Jay remarked as he let go of my hand and pulled out my chair for me, allowing me to take a seat before pushing me in and taking a seat across from me.

"Hello, my name is Bobby, and today I shall be your cook," someone said as they approached us at our table and shook Jay's hand, I looked up and saw Bobby Flay, which caused my mouth to drop.

"Bobby, this is Solana, Solana this is Bobby," Jay began, bringing me back to reality for the tenth time today and I shook his hand, which had already been extended. "Hello," I said, smiling.

Jay and I had been at the restaurant for almost an hour and were just eating and talking about our pasts and futures to get to know each other.

"Can't believe you've never been there before," I said to Jay, who had never been to a certain fast-food restaurant before; we were currently discussing our favorite eating places.

"I didn't eat fast food much because my ex cooked so I always stayed home," Jay explained as he spooned food into his mouth, drawing my attention to the mention of an ex.

"Did you live in the same house as your ex?" Before I took a small bite of the meal on my fork, I inquired.

"Yeah, my ex and I lived in the same house for nearly a year and a half until she cheated on me," Jay said as he reached for his glass of water causing me to nod,

My phone began to ring as I was ready to bring up another topic for us to discuss, forcing me to apologize for the interruption. "Sorry about that, I thought I turned my phone off," I remarked as I unzipped my purse to pull out the phone.

"It's all right," Jay remarked as he set his glass of water down. I grabbed my phone and saw it was Stokeley calling, compelling me to respond; he wouldn't have phoned unless something had happened.

"Hello Stokeley I'm busy right no-" I began to say before he cut me off abruptly,

"I'm not calling for you; hand the phone to Jay." I was confused by what Stokeley said immediately, but I looked at Jay and handed him my phone; he stared at me puzzled before taking it.

"Hell-" Jay began to say as he raised the phone to his ear but I heard he was cut off from Stokeley telling him something that I couldn't make out,

"OK, just take him to urgent care, and I'll call his doctor and let him know you're coming in," Jay stated before humming Stokeley's response and hanging up the phone.

"What went wrong?" I started as soon as he hung up the phone, "Gekyume's temperature soared, he should be alright," Jay stated as I grabbed my phone from his hand "They're taking him to urgent care right now," Jay continued, making me nervous.

"We have to leave right now," I said as I rapidly stuffed my phone into my bag and stood up, prompting Jay to follow suit.

Even though it might only be a fever, I was overthinking what else could go wrong, and I didn't want anything to happen to him, I stood outside beside his car and watched as he shook hands with Bobby before handing him money and walking towards me.

I quickly got in after he opened the car door and watched as he jogged to the car and got in as well. He then turned the car on and began driving to Gekyume's location.


I was watching the nurse do tests on Gekyume while Stokeley and I sat in the seats inside the urgent care rooms.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Jay and Gekyume's original doctor entered the room carrying papers, which I assume were the test results.

"So Gekyume has an ear infection, and we're going to put him on antibiotics to help with the pain and fever, as well as some other medications to help him get rid of the infection faster," the doctor stated, after looking over the paperwork and studies,

As the doctor spoke with the other nurse who was with Gekyume about the medication he was prescribing for the ear infection, I let out a breath of relief, relieved that it wasn't too serious.

I stood there watching as Jay walked out of the room, forcing me to follow him. "I apologize for spoiling the date," I murmured aloud, causing him to come to a halt and turn towards me.

Jay smiled at me after shaking his head "I just wish I could have taken you home. I-" I gripped the side of his face and dragged him in so I could kiss him before he could continue.

"Well the date ended better than I imagined," he added, leading me to laugh and glance down as my face began to heat up, as I slowly drew away and opened my eyes to come face to face with him.

"I'll call you later," Jay replied, and I nodded with a smile on my face. I nodded again before gently backing away, "thank you again," I said before returning to the room where gekyume was.



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