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It was after the celebration had ended and everyone had gone home. I stepped into the living room after the last person left and saw Solána sitting there with her head in her hands.

"Well, I mean, we could do with the family with eight kids," I replied as I sat next to Solána, drawing her attention to me.

"I mean, they obviously know how to keep a child alive," I said to Solána, who gave me a smug look.

"The stripper seemed pleasant," I remarked softly as the room fell silent, leading solána to giggle.

"A stripper?" Solána stated while laughing and looking at me. "For whom is she pleasing? Gekyume or you"

"When Gekyume is 7, do you want him to be the next magic mike?" Solana continued to laugh, which made me chuckle as well.

"I mean, you gots to see it through my boy," I added, chuckling, and Solána slapped my arm in response to my remark.

"That's why you irritate me," I said, holding my arm up and staring at Solána, who was still giggling.

After we had settled in, we sat in silence in the living room until Solána spoke something.

"The grandpa is a definite no..." she said softly.

"Unless we want Gekyume to face murder charges..." I stated as Solana looked at me, trying hard not to laugh.

"We're screwed," I remarked, looking at her and laughing again at the expression she was making.

"Bruh, we're going to hell, I swear," Solana exclaimed, chuckling slightly as she stared at me.


Stokeley and I went to court today to acquire temporary custody of Gekyume. We sat in court with our attorney, waiting for the judge to call our case. Gekyume was munching Oreos in my lap.

"The next case is for Gekyume Onfroy," the gentleman standing next to the judge stated as stokeley and I walked behind the lawyer.

When we arrived at the table, Stokeley and I were about to take a seat. Until our lawyer motioned for us to stay standing,

"All right, let's get started," the judge said as gekyume dropped his bowl of Oreos all over the place.

"Oreos!" exclaimed gekyume, causing the courtroom to erupt in laughter. Stokeley and I knelt down to clean up the Oreos mess that gek had made on the floor.

"Just leave it guys, let's focus on gekyume's custody," the lawyer remarked, stooping down and speaking to us.

"I'm sorry," I muttered as I stood up, gekyume in one hand and Oreos in the other, which I had picked up from the floor and placed on the table.

"Until then, I hereby grant Solana Imari Rowe and Stokeley Clevon Goulbourne joint legal and bodily care of Gekyume Onfroy." Before hitting her Gavel, the judge said. 

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