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"One, two, one, two," Solana kept saying as I entered the kitchen and saw her seated on the kitchen floor with gekyume, she has been trying to teach him how to walk.

"He'll walk when he has somewhere to go," I remarked as I snatched him from Solana's arms and carried him to the island where Solana had set out the food.

"Mhmm pancakes," I murmured as I grabbed a couple and set them on my plate before starting to walk to the dining table with one hand holding my dish and the other still clutching Gekyume.

"I looked it up on the internet and it claimed babies should start walking around 18 months, but Gekyume is almost two and still doesn't bother to walk," Solana said as she placed down her plate filled with food and sat beside me.

"Well, the internet also claims that if you develop a headache, you might die," I replied as I fed Gekyume before stuffing my own mouth with food.

We remained at the dining room table having breakfast and chatting about various topics until Solana finished her meal and stood up.

"I'm going to the dance studio today, and then I might go to the studio later to work on music," Solana said as she washed her dirty plate in the sink.

"Can I come to the studio with you later?" I asked as I stood up and placed my dirty dish in the sink. I watched as she took my plate and rinsed it before putting it on the drying rack, "sure if you like," she added. 

I stood there watching her dry her hands before kissing Gekyume on the cheek and walking to the front door with her gym bag and shoes on, "What happened to my kiss?" I joked as I approached her and watched her grab her car keys and giggle, "Maybe later," she said also  playing along

I laughed as she open the front door and turned to face Gek and me, "I'll send you the address and time for the studio," She said before she walked out and shut the front door,



I walked into the dance studio with my duffel bag slung over one shoulder and my phone and water bottle clutched in the other, saying hello to everyone who was stretching before stepping aside and setting my belongings against the wall.

"Hello stranger," a deep voice whispered near me, prompting me to turn around to see who was speaking to me. As soon as I saw Jay, a wide smile sprang on my face.

"Hey," I murmured, still smiling, as I noticed him reaching out his arms as if he wanted an embrace, prompting me to lean in and side hug him.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you here, thought you weren't going to come back," he added as we pulled free from the hug.

"I took a break for a time, but I'm back now, and that's all that matters," I laughed as I began walking towards the center of the room to stretch, and Jay followed suit.

"That's great; I think everyone missed you." He laughed as he looked down to the floor and then back at me, licking his lips.

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