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Solana was currently packing her baggage in preparation for a Christmas break visit to her grandmother. Solana's parents were still alive, but she lost touch with them after moving out and lived with her grandmother, Grandma Norma Rowe when she was a teenager.

Solana hadn't seen her in a few months and didn't want to spend Christmas alone because of her and Jay's separation. After everyone had left after the Thanksgiving dinner, Jay decided to break up with Solana owing to the dispute he had overheard; he claimed Solana still had feelings for Stokeley, prompting him to leave.

"You ready to see grandma?" Solana replied as she zipped up all the baggage before taking up Gekyume and kissing him on the cheek, leading him to do the same with both hands on her face.

"awh thank you bubby," Solana cooed as Gekyume pressed a wet kiss to her cheek, making her grin.

Solana quickly grabbed her car keys and attempted to carry all three suitcases in one hand so she wouldn't have to make two trips. It took some effort, but she managed to get all three suitcases outside and into the car in one trip.

She unlocked the car before unlocking the backseat and securing Gekyume in his car seat. Before closing the door, she double-checked that he was correctly fastened in. She then proceeded to open the trunk and begin loading the baggage into the rear.

After she finished packing the car, she sat in the driver's seat, adjusting her rear view mirror as she returned her gaze to Gekyume, who was peering out the window at the fog that had blanketed the majority of the streets.

Solana entered her grandmother's address onto Google Maps and began the route. She'd decided to drive there because her grandmother also lived in Florida, in Jupiter, which was just about an hour or so away from Parkland.

As she pulled out of the driveway, Solana whispered to herself, "I want snacks first." She was wondering whether she should stop at the gas station for snacks or head to a fast-food restaurant for 'actual' food.

Solana soon found herself pulling into the local gas station, where she chose to fill up her tank before pulling up to the store and parking right in front of it. Before s he walked into the gas station store, she opened the rear seat door and took out Gekyume.

"Get whatever you want," Solana told Gekyume as he led her into the candy isle, laughing as she trailed behind him. Before pulling off, Solana and Gekyume paid for all of their food and climbed back into the car.

"ROAD TRIP GEKKK," Solana exclaimed as she turned up the radio's level and began singing along to a random song that was playing; gekyume clapped as he ate his gummy worms;


We're finally here, Solana thought to herself as she pulled into her grandmother's driveway, parked, and turned off the car.

"Finally," Solana thought to herself as she felt tired; Gekyume was passed out in the backseat, his head tilting forward, on the verge of breaking his neck.

Solana stepped out of the car and carried Gekyume to the house, oblivious to the baggage, which she would return later. Solana knocked on the front door, causing Gekyume to shift on her shoulder, regaining his comfort. She waited for her grandmother to open the door.

After a while, Norma appeared at the door, exclaiming, "Solana baby," as she swiftly opened the door and drew her and the sleeping baby into an embrace.

"Oh look at him, he's grown so much," Norma said as she examined the child sleeping on Solana's shoulder; she hadn't seen Gekyume since Jahseh's funeral. Since then, Gekyume had grown some height and his hair had grown longer and curlier, giving him a curly fro.

"Give me, give me." Solana's grandmother demanded as she walked into the house with her arms outstretched for Gekyume, holding him in her arms. Solana entered the living room as she watched her grandma make her way down the hall to a room where Gekyume could sleep.

"Where's Stokeley at?"She asked Solana as soon as she walked into the living room and sat on a couch just in front of her.

Solana began to fidget with her fingers as she stated, "He's at his parent's place for Christmas break."

"and you driving Gekyume over there?" Solana's grandmother inquired; she didn't know the complete story of what transpired between Solana and Stokeley, but she knew they had a fight and Stokeley stormed out; she knew this because Solana had called her numerous nights crying about it.

"Yeah, I have to drop him off at Stokeley's parents' place on Christmas morning," Solana replied as she watched the show on the living room television.

"Have you spoken with him?" Norma inquired, her gaze falling on Solana, who was looking away from the television and then down at her shoes.

"No, just about the Christmas plans," Solana answered, her eyes saddened as she gazed at her grandmother. Solana felt alone at the time, as her parents, Jenesis, Stokeley, and Jay had all left her life, leaving her with only her grandma and Gekyume.

"See Solana if you don't stand up, and speak for yourself. They think you stupid, you know what I'm saying?" Norma started to say before she stood up from her seat on the couch, "You can't let Stokeley make all the decision's for you, or anyone in this case." 

Solana's grandmother was reminiscing about all the times Stokeley had come into her life and made her cry. She was encouraging Solana to get up and talk to Ski like an adult about it, whether it meant starting over, co-parenting, or one of them caring for Gekyume while the other didn't.

"I know," Solana murmured as she stood up and followed her grandma into the kitchen, dragging her hands down her cheeks.

"Would you like some milk and cookies?" Solana's grandma said while holding out a plate of warm melted chocolate cookies and a glass of milk, causing Solana to nod and laugh and she took them both in her hands,



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