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"That's crazy vro," Gabe said before taking a hit of the blunt and extending his hand to pass it to me, which I accepted.

"I don't know what to do," I admitted as I took a drag from the blunt in my hand before returning it to him.

"What are you going to do?" Juice asked as he tossed his supreme backpack on the sofa before grabbing a rolling chair and snatching the blunt from Scheme, taking a hit and then returning it to him.

"Fucker," he joked as he sat down beside us, causing Gabe to give him a look as he was offended,

"Ski and Solana Fucked," Gabe remarked before taking a hit of the blunt, which caused Juice's eyes to widen and his mouth to drop open.

"Aye das wassup," he replied, praising me as he tapped the back of my shoulder with the back of his palm. "Why don't you seem happy about it?" he said.

"The CPS girl told him he had to marry Solana or forget about it," Scheme stated again, speaking for me.

"Shit," Juice murmured, his face now lowered as he looked at Gabe and then at me, forcing my head to droop.

"I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do," I grumbled as I rubbed my hands over my durag. I mean, marriage is a significant step, and I couldn't image committing to one person for the rest of my life.

I mean, I don't even date, so imagine me marrying a girl I once had sex with.

"I guess if you want to keep fucking you have to marry her," Juice stated as he took another drag from Scheme's blunt.

"can you image Stokeley marrying someone for the rest of his life? His ass has social anxiety and is unable to express his emotions" As he laid his hand on Juice's shoulder, Gabe whispered

"I don't think marriage could be that bad, but how nice is the pussy?" The room remained still until a small smile tugged at my mouth when Juice nodded his head towards me, leading Gabe to look at me.

"NO WAY IT'S THAT GOOD," Juice exclaimed as he began to laugh and punch me, which made me laugh as well.

"Shit, if it's that good, I guess I'll have a taste," Gabe remarked, prompting me to stifle my laughing and mug him.

"You do that, and I'm going to kick your ass, and you're going to be 6 feet under," I said as the room fell silent. Juice stared at Gabe and remarked, "Shit, he doesn't play with his pussy like that."

"Aye Vro, I was joking," Gabe laughed, causing Juice to laugh as well; I simply smiled; honestly, what he said irritated me, but I'll put it aside for now.

"Ski, one minute," Tariq said as he opened the studio door, breaking everyone's chuckling. I rose out of my chair, dabbing up Juice and Gabe, and followed Tariq out of the studio.

"So Stokeley," Tariq said as we began walking down the corridor toward the other studio rooms, "I know you haven't been releasing music or performing and stuff like that, but Stokeley I need you to do something, you haven't dropped an album in a while,"

"I know," I admitted as I wiped my nose and examined the various placs placed on the walls by various artists.

"I have a job offer for you," Tariq remarked as he came to a halt and glanced at me, prompting me to do the same. I nodded and he continued.

"I want you to go on tour with a variety of different artists; it'll be a great thing for your career," Tariq remarked as he continued walking, forcing me to keep up.

A tour involves visiting several states and giving a number of performances, as well as spending a significant amount of time away from home.

"I'll have to think about that," I remarked, my gaze falling on Jahseh's plac for his albums '?' and 17. I certainly wanted to go on tour because it promotes my career and me, and I also wanted to make Jahseh proud since that was our ambition, to rule the world.

But I have Solana and Gekyume to look after, and I don't want to leave them alone. Do I be selfish and do what's best for me and my profession, or do I stay put and take care of Gekyume and Solana instead of going on tour? fuck,

"Alright Ski,let me know" Tariq said as he looked at me and nodded before walking away, leaving me in the corridors. I turned my head to look at Jahseh's plac before putting my head down and going away.



I stood in front of the mirror, examining my outfit, which comprised of baggy tan cargo pants with frayed strings, a grey Harley-Davidson logo t-shirt, and some dunks.

"Ouuu mama," I laughed as I hyped myself up in the mirror. I then turned to confront Gekyume, who was already dressed in white and baby blue basketball jersey, black cargo pants and black and white dunks.

I grinned as he cheesed back before picking him up and carrying him down to the kitchen. Stokeley was about to return from the studio, so he and I decided to take Gekyume to the seasonal fair for some fun.

As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, I set Gekyume beside me on the counter and began cutting up fruits for him, such as strawberries and bananas.

I heard the front door open and keys jingling against each other as I was feeding him, signalling Stokeley was home.

"Hi," I greeted warmly as he walked into the kitchen, returning the motion, "Imma shower real quick to get the weed smell off me, then we could go," As he walked into his room hastily, he muttered,

I gave him a friendly nod even though he couldn't see me, then continued feeding Gekyume his fruit, wiping his mouth every now and then to ensure he wasn't ruining his white Jersey.

Stokeley emerged after a few moments, dressed in black cargo pants that looked like mines, with strings falling out, a white basic t-shirt, and all of his stacked chains and rings.

"Are you ready?" he said as he tied his durag in the front, and I merely nodded as I wiped Gekyume's lips and slid him over my hip.

 "Let's go,"



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