Chapter 11: Letter's From Unknown

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3rd Person's POV

"Mafu-kun! Soraru-san! Hurry up!"(Y/n) said as she walk further from the two boys"wait up (Y/n)!"Mafu said as he run to her,but Instead she ran faster as she look back to them which then made her bumped into a person and both of them fell

"Oh my god,i'm very sorry"(Y/n) said as she stood up and lend the person a hand,the person was a girl with long black hair and was wearing the same school Uniform as her,(y/n) doesn't recognize her due to the girl wearing a face mask. The girl then stood up on her own"watch where you're going"the girl said as she start walking away,(Y/n) looked at the girl"she looks familiar.."

Mafu laughed looking at her"Hahaha! That's why Don't run while looking back!"he said while still laughing,Soraru who was walking behind them then looked at the black haired girl as she walk pass him"is she in our school?"Soraru thought,he then approach his two best Friends.

"Nee Soraru-san,do you know that girl?"(Y/n) asked,Soraru shook his head"no,but i'm guessing she's from our school"Soraru replied,both of them totally ignored Mafu who was laughing weirdly in the background

"I think i've seen her somewhere...but where..."(Y/n) said,Soraru shrugged"maybe when you we're in the Cafeteria"he said,(Y/n) nodded"you're right soraru-san! Maybe i just saw her randomly in the school! Now,Let's keep on walking"she said as she received a nod from Soraru,they then continued to walk leaving the laughing Mafu untill he noticed. "Hey! Soraru-san! (Y/n)-chan! Wait for me!"Mafu said as he run to approach them,(Y/n) smiled"that's why don't laugh for to long. Or you'll be left by your Friends"the (h/c) haired girl said as she giggled at the end,Mafu then scratch the back of his neck"Gomen"he said,Soraru just shook his head while smiling looking at them.

When they arrived at (Y/n)'s apartment,there was a letter in the doorstep"what's this?"(y/n) softly asked as she pick up the letter who said 'for (L/n) (Y/n)'. "What's that?"Mafu asked as he looked at the letter (y/n) was holding,Soraru Without saying anything immediately snatched it out of (Y/n)'s hands. "Hey! That's mine!"(Y/n) said as she tried to take it off Soraru's hands but she was hold by Mafu.

"What does it says!?"Mafu asked"shall i read it out loud?"Soraru asked as he looked at Mafu,Mafu nodded" 'Dear (L/n) (Y/n). I see you're Friends with the new boy to,after you stole Soraru-san from me,you're going for another boy. If you Don't stay away from Mafu-kun untill Wednesday,i promise i will send someone to kill you. From: a girl you used to know"Soraru read it out loud,(y/n) just face palmed as she hear the message.

"Oh come on! I only got 6 more days with Soraru-san and Mafu-kun! Why can't i just have peace!?"(Y/n) said as she yelled at the word Peace. "Even if (y/n)-chan will stay away from Me,i wouldn't stay away from you Because i'm you're grim reaper"Mafu said. Soraru let go of the paper which made it fell to the floor,he then step on it,pick it up,and throw it into the trash can"just ignore it,probably those are just idiots who's jealous of you"Soraru said as he went inside the apartment room,Mafu-(Y/n) nodded and then followed Soraru inside.

~The Next Day〜

"Ohayou!!"(Y/n) said as she came out of her room,already wearing her uniform and holding her school bag. SoraMafu who was standing near the dining table already wearing their uniforms waved at her"Ohayou (Y/n)-chan!"Mafu said,he then run to her and put his hand around her shoulder"You're all ready right?now Let's go to school!"Mafu said,(Y/n) nodded"Let's start this Beautiful Morning with being happy!"the girl said as she smiled while opening the door,she then accidentally step on a letter.

"Eh?another letter?"right before (Y/n) was about to pick it up,Mafu already pick it up and is currently reading it"what does it says?"Soraru asked"just that same sender yesterday telling her they will do something to ruin (Y/n)'s reputation"Mafu said,he then throw the letter to the trash can"let's not think about it,now let's start walking to School!!"Mafu said energetically as he walk his way through the hallway,(Y/n) and Soraru smiled as they followed him"i guess this really will be a great day!".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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