Chapter 8: Best Friends

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(Y/n)'S POV

"I somehow want to eat cotton candy"i said when me,Mafu-kun,and Soraru-san were walking home after school"After you mention it i also want to eat one"Mafu said and we laughed"Let's go buy one next time"Soraru said,me and Mafu nodded

We then continued to walk while talking but then a familiar voice called my name "(y/n)-chan!!"the voice said,i looked back and saw my friend Lon,well she was my only best friend but i haven't talked to her again after Mafu and Soraru appeared

"Lon-chan!!!"i said,she ran to me and we huged,"It's been a long time since we talk huh"she said"hahaha yeah"i answered,she then looked behind me and saw Soraru,i don't think she saw Mafu because he was in his Grim Reaper form

"(Y/n)-chan,whos that boy besides Soraru-san?"Lon asked,oh god she can see Mafu-.

I looked at Mafu and yes he was in his Grim Reaper form,"ahh...uhm....hes-"before i can finish my words Lon already talked"oh!i get it!"she said


"He is your boyfriend!"she said,i was shocked,Soraru was shocked,and Mafu was shocked,"uhm...i'm actually-"Mafu got cutted

"Ahaha,i was just joking"Lon said"(y/n)-chan would totally tell me if she has a boyfriend"she said again"haha yup"i said,i feel awkward now-

"Ah,i gotta go home now!,i'll visit you tomorrow (y/n)-chan"she said and left.

"That was awkward"Soraru said after Lon left,"how can Lon-chan see Mafu-kun??"i asked"hmm..i don't know,usually people can see Grim Reapers when there death is very near"Soraru said"so it means..."

"Lon-chan's death is near?"i said,Mafu and Soraru nodded,"i'm guessing her death is tomorrow"Mafu said"eh?how do you know?"i asked"a black mist already appeared behind her,if theres a black mist behind someone it means they're going to die the next day"Soraru explained

"B-but theres no Grim reaper thats following her"i said,Soraru and Mafu looked at each other for a few seconds"i guess leader forgot to send a grim reaper,and when that happens a grim reaper that sees it they have to become the person's grim reaper"Mafu explained,he then looked at Soraru

"tch,why always me that has to do this"Soraru mumbled"so...Soraru-san is going to kill Lon-chan t-tomorrow?"i asked,Soraru nodded"but i'll kill her at the end of the day,you still want to spend time with her for the last time right?"Soraru said,i nodded"i promise to make Lon-chan's last day unforgettable!!"i said,Soraru and Mafu smiled.

Later that night~

I was in my room now,looking at a photo of me and Lon-chan a few years ago"i...still don't want to lose you.."i said
"No matter how hard you try she would still leave you know"Mafu said when he appeared out of nowhere"kya!!,ah!Mafu-kun you scared me!"i yelled,he just laugh at my reaction and then looked at the photo i was holding,without saying a word he snatch the photo from my hand

"Hey!,i was looking at it!"i said but he didn't cared"(y/n)-chan is so cute in that photo!"he said,i then felt my face got red"ah...arigato"i said while blushing,he smiled and gave the photo back to me"how old were you in that photo?"he asked,i then thinked for a sec"uhm..10 i think"i answered

"You and Lon-chan had been friends for a long time?"he asked"yes,we had been friends since 3rd grade"i said while putting the photo in my desk and looked at it"thats why...i never thought i would lose her this fast.."i said

Mafu looked at me"fast or not she can leave you anytime"Mafu said"i know but It's just...i thought both of us can still be together forever"i said,Mafu then huged me from behind"i know It's hard to lose someone thats precious to you,i know because i had lost someone thats precious to me and i always have to lose her again every few years..."Mafu said,he kinda whisper at the end but i still can hear him.

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