Chapter 5: Life with the Grim Reapers

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"Ohayo Gozaimasee~!"i said to both Mafu and Soraru after getting ready for school"ohayo!"Mafu answerd with a cheerful tone,and Soraru just nodded

"Let's go now"Soraru said and just in a blink of an eye he was already wearing my school's boy uniform and his scythe turned into a school bag""

Soraru smiled at me"Grim reaper magic"he said


~~Time Skip~~

"How can you guys change to human form?"i ask when we were walking oh by the way,Mafu also camed with us

"Well....because i can"Soraru said
"Hmm...i don't know....but we usually use the form to keep an eye on our victims"Mafu said and smile


"Ooooh...."i replied,after a long walk we then arrive at the school. When the bell rings we enter the class.

~~Time Skip After School~~

When class finished i got up stairs to Soraru's class he was in the 3th year and i was in 1st,so his class was upstairs. After arriving to his class

"Soraru-san!"i said while appearing infront of his class door,the door was open wide so he can see me"ah!i gotta go now"Soraru said to his friends,his friends saw me"wow is that your girlfriend~?"one of his friends ask"(y/n) (l/n) from class 1-3 you like her?"his other friend asked,Soraru just  grab his bag A.K.A his scythe because what i see was a scythe and not a bag

"I gotta go,oh by the way,she isn't my girlfriend but i do like her because shes my friend"Soraru said and just left his friends that were laughing"Sorry for the long wait,just ignore those humans"Soraru said to me,i nodded and smiled

"Can we go to the school garden first?,i wanna ask you something while Mafu-kun isn't here"i asked
"Okay...why not?"he said with his normal cold expression

We then go to the school garden and sat in the bench under the Sakura tree
"So what are you gonna ask?"
"Uhm....i just wanna ask if i choose to live at the end can i still remember you and Mafu-kun?"i ask

"Sadly no...all of your memory about me and Mafu will dissapear"Soraru explained,i looked down"if i choose death then how will i die?"i asked again,Soraru turned his head to me"it's.....also a secret"he said,i nodded,and looked at Soraru"but will we meet again in my next life?"i asked with a smile.

"Let destiny decide"Soraru said and smiled back at me"you know what Soraru-san?,i only know you for only a day but i feel like i had meet you since my whole life!"i said"i somehow felt really comfortable with you even tho i always forgot that your not a human"

"Really?"he ask,i nodded"mhm!,i'm comfortable living with two non-human creature that i barely even know!"i said again while looking at the sakura tree

"soraru looked at me"if i may ask....why aren't you living with your family?"Soraru asked,i turned my head to him surprised by his question"my family move to another city,i'm still here on Tokyo because of my school and my dream to go to the Nico nico university"i explained

"Don't you feel lonely?"he asked again,i shook my head"i don't feel lonely now because you and Mafu are here,and the existence of the two of you makes my life brighter"i said,soraru just stare at me with a blank expression"she did remember me and Mafu are here to take her life away right?".

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