Chapter 4:そらる

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"I'm home!"i said as i entered a house "welcome back (y/n)-chan!!" Said someone with a familiar voice,the person was sitting in the couch but kina floating above it"how was school?"the person asked"bad,but it's alright because i know i won't be here long again"i said"by the way,thanks for giving me time to choose ****-kun"


When i woke up,i looked at at the clock and stare at it.....


I then quickly change into my uniform put my books in my bag and ran outside my room to the kitchen,there,mafu was somehow talking to the spirit ball that always follows him everywhere,"ohayo (y/n)-chan!,i-" 
"Ahh!!!wheres my lunch box!!!"
"'s over here"he said and pointed to the Table"arigato!"
I then grab it and ran near the door,mafu followed me there to.

"So i mad-"
"Where did i put my other shoe!!??"
"It's right beside you"he said again
"So i was just gonna say that i made breakfast  for you"

"Eh?really?"i ask"yup!it's right there!"he said and pointed to the Table again"ah!arigato mafu-kun!!but we have to get to school now!i'm late!"i said"okay,thats not a problem"he said and snapped his fingers and the delicious breakfast was gone"you can eat it after school!"mafu said and smile"okay!let's go now!".

In the middle of walking to school


Uhm..mafu-kun,can i ask you a question?"i ask,mafu nodded"uhm..i don't know how to say this but have we meet before this?"i ask,mafu looked shocked with my question"uhh...i d-"before mafu can finish his answer an unfamiliar person appear next to mafu and said"it's better if you don't know Anything about him"

"Uwah!!Soraru-san!!"mafu yelled and huged the soraru person,he has dark blue hair and light blue eyes,i'm guessing his a grim reaper to because his also holding a scythe,"nice to see you again Soraru-san!"mafu said while releasing his hug,i then noticed he was wearing my school's boy uniform"uh...are you a student in my school to?"i ask

"I'm just a grim reaper in disguise to bring my victim to death,and my victim is someone in your school"Soraru said"oh by the way,this is Soraru!"mafu introduce him"and you do know who she is right"mafu said"oh,so you got (y/n) (l/n),just like last time"soraru said"uhh..nice to meet you soraru-san"i said,i was kinda confused with what he said"what does he mean by last time?".

"Sorry to ask but what do you mean by last time?"i asked,Soraru then smiled"you will know again at the end"he said,i then looked at mafu"his right,you will know again later at the end (y/n)-chan"mafu said and smiled"seriously WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY LAST TIME???CAN THEY STOP CONFUSING ME!!??"I really wanna say that but instead i just nodded.

**Time Skip(because i'm lazy)**

So we didn't go to school today because we talk to long and the Gates was already closed,so we go to the cat cafe,"ahhh!!!CAT!!!"mafu yelled and immediately grab a cat and huged it,oh by the way,he change to his human form so no one would be confused that one of the cats are floating,"aww there so cute"i said and pat one of the cats"i wanna bring them homee!!"mafu said,me and mafu then continued to play with the cats instead soraru just sat there while enjoying his drink

Even tho i'm not sure if he even eat or drink,well because mafu never eat and drink anything in the apartment,after a while playing we decided to join Soraru"this strawberry milkshake is good!"i said while drinking,when me and Soraru was drinking,mafu didn't drink anything"your not ordering a drink mafu?"i ask"nope,grim reaper's don't drink or eat anything"mafu said"eh?,then why is Sora-"before i can finish my sentence Soraru already answered me"because i want to"
"ooh okay".

After going to the cat cafe,we decided to go to the park."ahh!!i miss this place!"i said while looking around,"i miss this place to!"mafu said,when i was about to say something to him,he saw a cat and ran after that cat"i just know grim reaper's love cats"i said,soraru then laugh a bit"because his a special one"Soraru said,he then brought me to one of the park bench and we sat there.

I wad about to ask him about mafu but i think he already read my mind"mafu is an unordinary grim reaper"Soraru started"hm?,why?"i asked"he wasn't born as a grim reaper but he was born as a normal human"Soraru said"he is the only grim reaper that has that kindness to his victims and other humans"

"How did he become a grim reaper then?"

"When he died,he didn't got reincarnated as a human but as a grim reaper"soraru said

"And how did you know?"

"Because i was his grim reaper"Soraru said,i was really surprised by his answer

"you know,usually normal grim reaper's don't get along or even talk to humans,he was the first one that did that,when i asked him why he did that,he said 'everyone deserve to know', and after that i followed him by telling them"Soraru said

"Uhm...can i maybe hear about his human life?"i ask
"I Can't tell you about that one because theres a rule where Grim reapers can't tell anything about another Grim reaper to there or others victims so you may need to wait for him to tell you about it"Soraru explained

I was kinda disappointed by his answer but i understand that Grim reaper's also has there privacy"but when will he tell me?"i asked,Soraru looked at me and smiled"when he thinks your ready".

When i was about to ask another question Mafu appeared"What are you guys talking about??"Mafu asked,Soraru just shook his head"nothing important"Soraru said,he then stood up"well...i have to go back to my victim"Soraru said and started walking away
"Wait!"i said,he then stoped and looked at us"after your back,you can stay in my apartment!"i said"yeah!Soraru-san can stay with Me and (Y/n)-chan!!"Mafu said

Soraru nodded"alright....i'll go there later"he said before he dissapeared.
" are we going to do?"Mafu asked"uhm...let's just go back to the apartment"i said,Mafu smiled and grab my hand"Let's go!"he said.

I know behind that smile he has a big secret.....i'll use this 3 more weeks to know more about him.....


At midnight

*Door bell sound*

*(y/n) opens the door and sees Soraru*

"SORARU-SAN!!!"me and Mafu yelled

*hugs Soraru*

"Come on!were watching scary movies!"i said and brings Soraru inside followed by Mafu

We then watched scary movies till 3 am.



I got writers block TwT

Btw this is where the Main story starts so it's longer than the first 3 chapters,the first 3 chapters were just the opening when the days with Mafu-kun starts,and the start is where Soraru-san appeared. I will try and put some clues about the story so don't skip any chapters <3

Have a nice day~!

Word count:1313 words

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