Chapter 7:Where the battle starts

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Soraru's POV

Were at the arcade now,(y/n) is playing the games and me and Mafu are just chatting.

"What do you think of a person i am Soraru-san?"Mafu asked
"Whats with the random question?"i ask,he just smiled"i just wanna know"

"Your an annoying and sweet person in the outside but your a mysterious person in the inside" said"hmm...okay...what do you think about (y/n)-chan?"he asked"w-why are y-you asking that?"i answerd,he giggled"i'm just curious~!"he said

"I think (y/n) is a beautiful,sweet,kind,and perfect girl,shes the only human that can make me fall for her.....when i first know you liked her,i think it's really dumb for a person to fall in love....but now i know why you liked her alot"i said

"Ah!but Please don't take her away from her Soraru-san!"Mafu said with a worried look,i just laughed a bit"Let's just see who can take her heart this time"i said,Mafu nodded at me"mhm...let the battle start then~!"he answered.

"What are you guys talking about?"(y/n) aksed while appearing out of nowhere me and mafu got surprised by her sudden appearance"w-were not talking about anything!"Mafu answered,i nodded"just a Grim reaper's talk"i said.

While playing there,me and Mafu tried our best to win alot of dolls to give to (y/n)-chan,"aww,these are all so cute but i don't really like human dolls that much"she said"then what kind do you like?"i asked"uhm....the Cat dolls"she said,me and Mafu then looked at one of the machines that has the cat doll and theres only one,me and Mafu looked at each other for a few seconds.....

"I'm gonna get that doll!!"Mafu yelled and ran to the machine,i followed him"No way!i will get that one first!"i answered

"Why are they fighting for a doll?"-(y/n)

After trying for a few times we haven't got that doll,"wait..."i said,Mafu looked at me
"Were Grim reapers right"i said
"Yeah"Mafu answered
"We have magic"i said

A few moments later

"(Y/n)!!!!"we both yelled,(y/n) looked at us and was surprised"h-how did you guys get these much dolls?"she ask
Yeah,me and Mafu were holding like 10-20 cat dolls,actually it's embarrassing for a handsome and Cool grim reaper like me to hold a cat doll but anything to win her hear.

"We use Magic~!"Mafu said with a smile,i nodded"aww you guys are so sweet!"she said and huged both of us,somehow i feel my face getting red and my heart was beating fast

"Let's go back now~!"she said.

~~~Later that night~~~

"(Y/n) is already asleep"i said to Mafu when we were peeking at her room,Mafu nodded. We then sat and the sofa and Mafu started to talk

"It's been a long time since i see her beautiful sleeping face"Mafu said"It's kinda creepy when you say that"i said,Mafu giggled"why?"he ask"because you look like you used to stalk her"i said,we then laughed

"But i'm serious it's been years since i saw her"he said"i know...i know.."i said"she was always beautiful"Mafu said"Hes gonna start talking about her in the past again huh?"

"(L/n) (Y/n)....the girl that i always liked.....shes very very beautiful in and out,shes like an angel sent from the heaven..."Mafu said,a question then appeared in my head"by the way,why did you choose to become a Grim reaper then beeing human again?"i asked,he looked at me,his happy expression turned into a sad one.

"Because i know i will never be with her again in the next why not be a Grim reaper that can be with her for 1 month in every 15 years and can remember what she is from the past?"Mafu explained,i just nodded at his answer,"i wanna go for a walk....wanna come?"i said,Mafu nodded.


"Uwah!the Streets really look cool from up here!"Mafu said when we were looking from on top one of the buildings"i know's been a long time since we can do this"i said with a happy tone"mhm!we never got a break time from beeing Grim Reapers"Mafu said"but it feels like were taking a break from beeing Grim reapers now"i said,we then laughed.

We then started to chat about stuff,i accidentally saw a person going to commit suicide from a building not far from here"Mafu,you should look behind you"i said,he then lookked behind him and noticed the person to"oh...another kid gonna end there life huh?"

"Wanna check it out?"he asked,i nodded"sure..."i answered,we then got to the building and just watch the person that turned out to be a high school boy

"You know what?,somehow he reminded me of myself"Mafu said while smiling"not thinking before i act and make a huge decision after got heart broken"Mafu said"when i think about it now,suicide was never an answer to my problems"he said again,afte a few seconds he said that the boy then jumped off,Mafu just smiled looking at it

"Why are you smiling?"i asked,he looked at me still with a smile"it's just funny seeing him commit suicide without thinking"he said again"thats 100% my reaction when you did it on the past"i said"eh?,really?"he asked with a surprised look

"Yeah...usually thats a Grim reaper's reaction when seeing there victim"i said,Mafu looked surprised"so i'm acting like a real Grim reaper now!!??,where did my Human side go!!?"he said,i just smiled at him"you can act like a real Grim reaper but your true self will always be human,because you aren't heartless like us"i said

"Wait,if Soraru-san is a real Grim reaper then why did Soraru-san can fell in love with (y/n)-chan?"Mafu asked,i feel embarrassed now"i-i'm like this because of y-you okay!"i said,he laughed at my reaction"so Soraru-san isn't heartless like before right?"he said"hmm....maybe"i said,we then spent the whole night talking about the past.

~~~At Morning~~~

"Ohayo!!"(y/n) said when she finished getting ready for school and got out from her room,"Ohayo (y/n)-chan!!!"Mafu said"Ohayo~!"i said,we were at the kitchen so (y/n) got there when she arrived she was surprised

"We made breakfast for you (y/n)-chan!"Mafu said,i nodded"did you guys made it with magic?"she aksed"nope...but we use magic to get the ingredients"i said,(y/n) then huged both of us"arigato~!i'm so happy i know you guys~!you two are the best"she said

"Does she still remembered that were here to take her life?.....oh well....i'll just enjoy beeing with them....theres still 18 days till the end of this..."



I guess you guys can already guess Mafu's past,but just remember that this story won't end till the day (y/n) dies~!. Sorry this chapter took longer,i don't have any excuse-

But i hope you guys enjoy it!and thanks for reading~!

Word count:1290 words

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