Got tagged💖 (About me)

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Thanks @dream -san for tagging me!!

Thanks @dream -san for tagging me!!

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1.Hmmm...i don't really know...but i like places that are kinda quite.

2.when theres alot(like very very alot) of people

3.hmm...i don't know...maybe the time i found out About Mafu-kun

4.uhhhh....I don't know

5.i would either Hear Mafu-kun's song or draw for the last time

6.Saishu Senkoku,Shinobi no susume,Onnanoko ni naritai,and Jikai Program!(i can't choose one)

7.uhmmm...Both maybe

8.i'll start with Mafu-kun!,i know Mafu-kun because of his songs onnanoko ni naritai and i thought he was a girl,i surprisingly already heard his cover of Ghost Rule at 2018 and also i surprisingly meet him in my dreams.
He is my No.1 Utaite and also My first!

I first heard Riinu-kun when i was hearing Mafu-kun's songs in Spotify and Riinu-kun's song popped up,i was in the middle of an Exam when i heard it and i Literally screamed "OMG RIINU'S VOICE IS LIKE A GIRL!",after that i then liked Riinu-kun. I actually already know him since December when i was reading some Utaite stories in wattpad.

Sooo About Sakura-kun.

I first know Sakura-kun when i was looking at an Utaite fanpage Instagram story,somehow i mistaken him as Mafu-kun because his hair style looks like Mafu-kun's old hairstyle,i then asked a link to the video,his voice somehow is kinda like Mafu-kun because i used a low volume and can't hear it properly but i then know It's very different. i like him!

9.Cat!,i have a 7 cats in my house and i love them all,i used to be allergic to Cats but somehow i wasn't allergic to them again after having my first cat named Hazel,she was a stray cat that i found in my garden that was killing a Mouse.

10.Theres 2 dreams i can't forget:

1.When i dreamed of meeting Mafu-kun at 2018,some of he memories of the dream had disappear but i remember the smile he gave to me. Also i remembered because the old me wrote it in the Diary book :^

2.When i dreamed meeting a boy with black hair and was wearing a Yukata. I was in a garden or something in that dream and the boy greeted me by sayin "ah!your finally here!"he said,he then grabbed my hand and lead me through a cave like thing and we appeared in a shrine. I don't really remember the details but i remember we played near a pond and he somehow introduced me to his family. And if i'm not mistaken i was wearing a red yukata-. When it was getting dark he lead me back to the pleace when i appeared and hold both of my hands. He then looked at me with a smile"i'm sad It's time for you to go"he said,he then let go of my hands and somehow there was glowing yellow dust around me,before i woke up he said "See you soon (my real name)!,we will meet again later in the Real world"

And when i woke up i was like "what was that dream?",sounds like i'm making it up but seriously it's a real dream-

Idk who to tag:


Btw,i won't be updating this book for a while because of homeworks-,so wish me luck with the homeworks

Thanks again @dream -san for tagging meee!mention a usermention a usermention a usermention a usermention a usermention a user

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