Batjokes - - Rooftop

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Tw: suicide attempt

Joker was standing at the edge on top of a skyscraper. He didn't choose a specific one, knowing that him, standing somewhere high above town, would definitely lead the bat to him.

And indeed, in the exact same second a silent thud at the roof behind him announced the arrival of said bat.

The crazy genius took a deep breath before he turned around. He had carefully prepared his speech, rehearsed it more times than he could count.
But as he tuned around and looked into the piercing eyes that were almost hidden behind the black mask, his mind turned blank.

Well, he'd have to improvise again. But who was he kidding, he was good at that. His best thoughts came out of nowhere, why should it be different this time?

The corners of his mouth pulled themselves up into his crazy smile almost on their own.
After another second of silence, the mad criminal finally rose his voice.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Gotham's hero, the proud, cold, perfect Batman...
As you can see, today is a bit different, huh?
You don't have to scan me ", he took both hands above his head, "No remote, no headset, no victims... And no weapons. "

His unnatural smile widened even more. Yes, he was in control. He was almost proud, but that was definitely against the mood code he had put up for this situation. So he just continued.

"I just want to talk.
For now...
Hey, pay attention to me! Stop scanning the surroundings, I told you there is nothing! I'm alone! Look at me!
Yes, that's better...
Now, hrrrm, where was I?
Oh, yes.
Dear batsy, let me tell you a story.
My story... "

The other man was just standing there, growing to be more and more confused, but he listened.

"Okayyyy, I lied.
There won't be much talk about my past, more about now, but keep listening, there is enough going on in the present.
As you may have noticed, I haven't been overly active lately. That's why you got here this quickly, right? You missed me, huh? "

It was true. But that was something the hero would never admit, so he just kept staring at his opponent, his mouth shut.

"Yeah, I didn't expect an answer, so let's keep going ", the clown giggled, "Lately Harley is spending a lot more time with Ivy, because, you know, 'that's what couples do', maybe you knew that already. But most of my other criminal friends were caught... Yes, I blame you... The others changed citizenship and stuff, and you were also always occupied... "

He looks at the man, once again wondering how someone in such a silly costume could look so ravishing and sexy...

"Sooo, anyway I decided that I wasn't needed anymore. Not as a friend or enemy, this town doesn't need me anymore.
You don't need me anymore.
You're one of the big guys now.
No time for your old little enemy... "

He flashed a challenging smile before he went on with his speech.

"Therefore I thought about it.
I thought and thought and thought...
And I came to a solution! "

His mad laughter filled the air between the two men.

"You know, I was sad for a long time. And every time it got to much, all the sadness turned into madness. Again and again and again...
And here we are, it all led me up here.
I'm going to end it. "

He smiled. It was a calm smile. He was at peace with the world. Every unpleasant thought, every doubt had been silenced by the rush of power such a strong decision brings.

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