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It's been a while since Albus mother died and he's left to take care of his younger siblings, yet he just can't help but spend as much time as possible with the boy next door. He knows it's not right but he needs their peaceful and energetic hours to get through the dull days full of responsibilities, escaping reality, just for a while. It brings him through the hard times, the reason his heart stays alive.

Just as the sun completely disappeared, only offering an echo of her warmth and light through the soft shine of the moon, the wind carried the creaking sound of a window being opened through Godric's Hollow.

But the young boy escaping into the garden kept himself into the shadows, melting into the darkness. Unseen he arrived in the garden. Well it was rather a wild combination of flowers that had grown out of randomly spread seeds. This peace of nature connected two houses in a street, that were famous for their inhabitants.

The mysterious, almost hidden family of the Dumbledore's, that were already interesting enough as they moved in. But now that the late mother of the three children had left behind the youngest daughter sick and the oldest son apparently quite irresponsible, leaving the son in the middle to take care of all problems, they became the talk of the town even more.

In the other house there lived one of the most kindhearted women to ever set foot in this cruel world, yet alone this village. And the new inhabitant had been stirring the town gossip for quite a while. The beautiful youth with wavy blond hair had been turning heads right from the first day. Soon the overflowing charm had caused quite a few hearts to beat faster, but the most captivating detail was the gracious and truly winning smile.

The boy who had just escaped the house seconds before was welcomed by that exact smile, shining as bright as the golden hair under the moonlight.
"Albus", the voice greeting him was soft as velvet and dripping with honey, "there you are. I was waiting for you."
Immediately a bright smile lit up Albus face, mirroring the one in front of him.
"Gell!", he exclaimed and ran until he stood in front of the beauty, "I really hurried, I'm sorry there was-"

"Shhh." A soft finger stopped the words from bubbling out his mouth. "Don't worry darling, I'd wait all eternity for you."
This time the smile wasn't bright, meant to lure everyone in. It was calm, soft and true, almost sweet. A smile that glowed for Albus and only for him.
He returned it, shyly, afraid all of the love in his heart might spill into his eyes, visible for the other.
"Okay", he whispered, not to break the magical silence.

Gellert just opened his arms and they melted together, hands intertwined.
"The new binder came today.. This feels so good...", Gell mumbled as he presses Albus closer to his chest. "I'm so happy -"
"That's amazing!" Albus threw his arms around his neck, giggling excited. "So you'll finally come out and no one will call you a lady anymore?" His big eyes were fixed on Gellert's beautiful face, waiting and so full of hope.

His blond hair fell into his face as he chuckled.
"Of course I will.. But first -", he flicked his wrist and the air behind them began to flirr, uncovering a tree house. They had been working on it the past days and now it finally presented in its complete beauty, bathed in starlight.

"It's perfect!", Albus gasped.
"Just like you..", Gellert returned, helping his friend inside, "Let's see if it is as we imagined."

They spent every free minute of the following weeks in their second home or "secret base" as they liked to call it. They were planning a great future, talking about the deathly hallows or just enjoying each other's company. On rainy days they would read together, a soft touch here, shyly leaning closer until it became a habit that Albus would rest his head in Gellert's lap, or the other way around. Slim fingers caressing soft hair, two hearts beating in Harmony, unaware and safe of the dangers to come.

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