Bagginshield - The Cure For The Dragon Sickness

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This takes place in the last of the three hobbit movies after Bilbo got told about the dragon sickness and how it has already taken down great kings before Thorin. But then the story changes..

Bilbo was wandering through the great halls of Erebor. He didn't know where he was going or what plan he had. He wanted a place to think about what he heard, but also was looking for Thorin, even though he had no idea what to tell him or what to do at this point.

He was feeling stupid just stumbling around and not doing anything to help. But what could he do? Could he help Thorin, the dwarf, now great king under the mountain? He was wondering when the Thorin he knew got lost. The Thorin that made him go to this crazy adventure. The Thorin who didn't trusted him, but was still pulling Bilbo near to him as if it were some kind of magic.

The dwarf who was thinking bad about him, but also the one that saved Bilbo, made him save his life as brave as fire. The one that hugged him at the top of a high rock after tricking him. The Thorin that made him feel whole. Something he hadn't known before. He had always been fine, alright or okay, but never felt something like this before. Being complete, part of something bigger.

But now that Thorin seemed to be gone. Forgotten the day when Bilbo gave his word for the dwarf, when he put more trust in him than the others.
Somewhere deep inside, this great king was still the Thorin he knew, he could feel it.
By the way he gave him that silver defense.
He knew that Thorin wanted to know him safe.

He blushed at the thought of that scene. Thorin really asked him to put his cloths off. A little chuckle flew around the halls and got carried through whole Erebor by the echo.
Even deep down by all the gold, where a lost king walked. He couldn't think straight,as if something took over his mind.
He didn't know it, but the hobbit, unknowingly making his way to him did. But what he didn't know was that he got the cure for the sickness that trapped the dwarf.

Bilbo was lost in his thoughts, walking as if his body knew where to go, so his mind could care about something else.
He remembered every moment with Thorin. In the beginning it was simple, but they got more intense from the moment in time, that he realized, that he was in love with the dwarf king.

But he didn't know what to do. He had no chance. Thorin was a dwarf, even worse, the king and he was just a little hobbit lost on an adventure. He thought it would be complicated, hard times. But then he fell in love. And things got even worse. He could never be together with Thorin, so why keep hope alive? Maybe Thorin treated him different, maybe he was nice to him. Always.

But still he was calling Bilbo his friend, just a friend. He sighed. What was he told? The dragon sickness was like love. A jealous, needing love. He shrugged sadly at that thought. Thorin was catched by love, but not for him. How could he help him? Even if there was no hope for them as a couple, it was still his duty as a friend to do something.

He suddenly stopped and looked around. His legs carried him down, right to where Thorin was. He saw him, wanted to hide, but the dwarf king looked up to him before he could get away. Both froze, trapped in the moment. And then Bilbo could see the sadness in Thorin's eyes. He was literally screaming out for help.

In this moment it hit him. As if this whole problem was a puzzle and he just found the last piece, so now all of them just fell at the right places. Thorin was sick because of his wrong love. There's nothing that can break love. Except stronger love.

Thorin needed something, but not the gold, not the arkenstone, no. He needed true love. Someone to accept him as he was, with all his flaws. He needed Bilbo. The one who came closer to him, even though he tried everything to stop that. Thorin Oakenshield fell in love. And because he couldn't say that and get it, the gold drove him mad.

Tears were running down Bilbo's face as he ran towards Thorin. He found it, he found the cure for the sickness! Or better, he was the cure. Slipping over the gold he made his way to the dwarf. As he reached him. He stood there panting.
Thorin looked at the hobbit, obviously confused.

Then Bilbo raised his voice.
"Thorin,you don't need all this gold and the gems! You need something else to feel good again. To feel whole. And I need it too! "
He almost shouted in his face. The dwarf just looked confused, a little afraid maybe.
"What? I don't know what you mean, Baggins", he said.
Bilbo sighed and took all his courage together, he needed it for the next sentence.

"It's love, Thorin. Something immaterial, but way much worth than everything else. But it's brought to you by a person. And I think in this case, that's me. I love you, Thorin, you are the one to make me whole. "

Then he just stood there, tears in his eyes, afraid that Thorin would yell at him. But nothing like that happened. Instead, Thorin came closer and whispered : "I think you could be right, Bilbo. " The hobbit gasped, but then his mouth was sealed by the dwarf's lips. It was a shy, careful kiss as if the other was still afraid of rejection.
But as he was over his shock, Bilbo leaned into it, answering more passionately.

A few meters away from them the dwarfs were sitting and smiling. Finally the two found each other and it even seemed to heal their king. Happy they silently left the two alone.

Bilbo and Thorin didn't see or hear them, actually their whole world was the other one and their kiss. Laying in each other's arms they finally set the emotions free they were hiding so long.
But from now on, that wouldn't be necessary anymore.

The king under the mountain had found his prince.

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