Fandral X Loki - I Love You More Than My Life

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It was a cold windy night.
Thor, Loki, Sif and the warriors three had been sneaking out of the palace. Of course they had a reason. They decided to take on a group of bandits who were robbing everyone who passed Asgards border in the north.

They had chosen a small path at a cliff, where they always hid behind some big rocks. When someone came near, they would jump out, take all that was worth anything and disappeared in the dark. And man, they could climb.

Many merchants had asked their king to do something against it, but Odin only said it wasn't a big problem. He thought that they were making up the story to get some more money or other things. And even if there was really someone, he just didn't care.

That was the reason they had to leave unseen and come back the same way.
Even with Frigga helping it was still dangerous. No one wanted to even think about what would happen if they got caught.

They quickly arrived at the north border.
"I know a lot of secret pathways around here... ", Loki grinned mischievous.
He looked at his brother who just smiled. "Maybe you could show them to me another day. ", the Thunderer answered.
"Oh, I'd love to. " , Loki kept going, "But maybe not all of them. "

They got interrupted by Hogun. "I hate to disturb you Royalties chatting, but we should split up to get these bastards! " Volstagg grunted an agreement. Thor nodded too.
"I guess that be wise. May I suggest the groups? " Loki asked.

As no one contradicted he kept talking.
"We need the same amount of brain and muscles for every team. So I would make two each. Volstagg with Hogun to stop them from backing away, Sif and Thor direct attack, please suppress the attempt to flirt. Fandral and me will watch and help wherever needed, to make sure we're in control of the situation. Any questions? "

Everyone shaked their head, even though they were suprised that the brothers wouldn't team up, but Loki surely had a reason for his decision.
Only Thor stopped his brother for a few seconds while the others went to their positions.

"No flirt, huh? Make sure to follow your own advice! Or did you plan to make your confession today? I'm sure there are better moments for that... But I won't disturb you. "
He winked and left his brother with a smirk.
Loki was sure he could hear him chuckle as he laid one arm around the female warrior.

Rolling his eyes he climbed up at the rocks at the path to join Fandral. The man with the sword had already found the perfect place to watch it all. The magician was impressed by his intelligence once again.
And how good he looked, his blond hair glowing in the moonlight while a soft little smile appeared at his face.

Loki smiled too. He was happy. He loved the night, their plan was easy, he was pretty sure the others wouldn't need them and if they had to help, there wouldn't be a lot to do. So he could just enjoy the night next to his crush. Secret crush of course.
He didn't want to even imagine what would happen if the king got to knew about his love. Not only was he pretty intolerant towards the LGBTQ+ community in Asgard, he also thought that Fandral wasn't a really useful warrior.

But Odin didn't know the man like Loki did. He couldn't know about all the nights Fandral spent at the observatory, studying the night sky. He neither knew about the hundreds of books the warrior had read or all the times a little action from him had saved the prince's life...

Loki shook his head to stop himself from dreaming about an almost unreachable love. Even if Odin accepted it, he was very sure that Fandral didn't feel the same. Yes, they had a really good connection, an impressive friendship. But he feared there was nothing more.
He smiled as he thought about the fact that Frigga probably knew about it. She had made several intimations towards both, Loki and Fandral. Embarrassing.

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