Introduction To The Story

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White walls surrounded the room where a woman relived the same feeling for the third time.

Next to her stood a man, he had a sterm face and piercing brown eyes. His short brown colored hair were messed up from him running his fingers through them. He looked down still holding a sterm face, but his eyes held admiration for the woman who laid on a bed with the same white covers as the walls around them.

On the other side of the woman stood two boys, one was about ten years old and the second barely five years old.

The older boy looked at the woman with concern, but also joy, as to waiting for what's coming next. He had the same brown hair as the man that was standing on the other side of the bed, but the boy's eyes were colored in sky blue color, like the woman's. He stood still, having a posture of every well mannered pureblood.

The younger boy looked like an energetic fire ball trying to stay still. He had almost the same hair as the older boy and the man, but his were longer, shoulder length and messy. His eyes were colored the same sky blue color, the same way the woman's and the older boy's were. He stood on the older boy's left, as he played with his own fingers and swayed on his feet, from his heels to his finger tips. He tried to make it as less noticeable as possible, but when the older boy nudged him he stopped for a minute and when he was sure that no one was looking he started swaying again.

An air piercing shriek was heard from the woman and the man with the two boys stiffened a bit from the sudden sound.

Suddently four women ran into the same room they were in, all wearing white clothes and ushered the man and two boys out of the room and into a white corridor.

Both boys took seats on the chairs that filled the empty corridor. But the man stood next to the door, waiting that if he was needed he would come in quicker.

Ten minutes past by and the woman shrieked again, and from the look of it the man was thinking about entering the room to be there for the woman and support her.

From the lack of patience the older boy started studying the man. He stood with grace, but could still see that his grace faltered a bit from nervousness. Of course not everyone could see that, only the ones who grew up in a pureblood family could, because from the young age they were taught how to pull a mask, so that no one could see your real emotions, so that you wouldn't show weakness. And learning that, you also learn to read people not by their face expression, but by their movements and eyes. Little things, that if you didn't look straight at it, you wouldn't see them, like how the man's fingers couldn't stay still, his eyes held concern and were running around anything and everything.

Woman's screams interupted the older boy's thoughts again and this time the man walked into the room where the woman was, leaving the two boys alone sitting in the deserted corridor.

After some time sitting alone and sometimes hearing the woman scream, they finally heard what they have been expecting for all this time. The two boys stood up from their chairs, waiting for someone to let them know, that they can come in.

A baby's cries.

That's what they heard and were waiting for, for nine months and atleast nine hours. Finally a woman opened the door and welcomed them inside.

There stood the man with a baby in his hands, looking lovingly at the baby and sometimes taking his gaze of the baby and looking with admiration at the woman who just had a faint smile.

Both boy's hesitantly walked toward them. The woman lifted her gaze from the baby to the two boys who were almost next to her.

"Come, meet your sister" the woman said weakly.

Both boys walked towards the bed where the woman laid as the man lowered the baby into her hands.

When they got closer and looked down at their new born younger sister, their eyes turned into a lovingly gaze.

The baby's skin was a redish color, a bit of hair that could already be seen were black, like the woman's. But what caught the most of their attention was piercing dark brown eyes, even more darker colored than the man's that stood beside them.

"Mother how are you feeling?" The older boy asked.

"Oh just fine Rodolphus, just fine" she replied weakly her eyes closing slowly.

"Leta, I will take the kids and you can sleep, alright?" The man asked.

Leta slowly opened her eyes and looked at her husband "that would be very appreciated, Corvus"

He smiled at her as she closed her eyes again and took the new born baby from her hands. Corvus turned to the both of his boys "come your mother needs to rest" and turned around walking towards the door.

Rodolphus followed, but his younger brother stayed on his mother's side.

"Rabastan, come. Your mother needs to sleep" and this time the boy listened to his father and followed after him and his brother.

When they exited the room the women from before took them to another room where they put the baby into a miniature bed. Rodolphus and Rabastan stood next to their sister while Corvus sat on the chair that was next to them and looked at his three children.

They both just stood there and admired their beautiful little sister.

"Father" Rabastan suddently interupted the peaceful moment and turned his head where his father sat with his eyes closed. For a moment he thought that he was asleep but when he met the familiar brown eyes he continued "what's her name father?"

His father's face was light up by a faint smile as he answered.

"Alexia Lestrange"

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