6. Quidditch Pitch

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Regulus entered the classroom and the first thing he was met with was Alexia still standing in front of him listening to Professor Slughorn's lecture about being late.

"Ahhhh my boy, Regulus. Please sit down and don't be late again" Slughorn smiled at Regulus as his eyes left Alexia.

Alexia relaxed a bit that Profesor's attention was directed from her and sat down next to one of the other Slytherin student, Evan Rosier. He was Felix's twin brother. Regulus sat on Alexia's right side next to some Slytherin girl.

"Teacher's pet" Graham Montague mumbled from a infront of Regulus and Walden Macnair chuckled.

Alexia could see how Regulus locked his jaw, but didn't say anything.

"Fuck off, Montague" Regulus spat back.

"In a bad mood, aren't we?" At Graham's question Macnair let out a short fake laugh, but his laugh died out and quikly disappeared as Professor Slughorn narrowed his eyes at him.

When Professor turned back around to the board and continued explained the lesson Regulus looked at Montague "Don't have anyone to suck your dick off, don't you? Not sure if it is because you're ugly or because your dick is too short for anyone" Regulus spat and Graham turned a slight shade of red from anger.

When he was about to say something rude back, Slughorn turned to them "Mister Montague, detention tomorrow at my office at seven p.m"

Graham turned around towards the front of class "but Profes-" but was cut off.

"No buts, Mister Montague. Now quiet down" and with that Slughorn continued his lecture.

The lesson went on as Professor Slughorn explained different antidote potions to different poisons. All that time Regulus was stealing quick glances at Alexia, but she never looked at him, even when she felt his hot gaze on her she didn't look at him. She didn't want to see the hurt in his eyes.

After two lessons of listening to Slughorn talk was over, Alexia packed her books into her bag and sprinted out of the classroom, but Regulus having long legs quikly caught up.

"We need to talk about this" Regulus said looking down at her.

"No, we don't" she said looking straight ahead walking towards the History of Magic classroom.

"Yes, we do. Meet me at Astronomy tower at midnight" Regulus whispered into her ear.

"Can't" Alexia quikly replied and was thanking Merlin when she saw Theodore in the distance "Theo!" And the boy turned to them waving for them to come.

"We will finish this conversation" Regulus whispered one last time before they were met with an excited looking Theodore.

"What are you so excited about?" Regulus asked him.

"I, Theodore Nott, just caught Sirius making out wit-" but he was cut off by Regulus.

"For fucks sake, Theo. I am really not interested with who you caught my idiot brother making out" he spat.

"But you will be interested when you hear this" he wiggled his eyebrows at Regulus.

"Just say it already" Alexia said rolling her eyes.

"Remus fucking Lupin" he whispered - shouted.

Alexia's mouth fell open and eyes went wide. But Regulus just stared at Theodore with disbelief.

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

"How? When?" Questions started pooling out of Alexia's mouth "where?"

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