2. Finally At Hogwarts

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As they were informed by older students that the train will soon be at Hogwarts, everyone went to change into their blank black robes.

So when she exited the bathroom, she bumped into someone. She took a step back from the person and narrowed her eyes.

"Excuse you?" She said demanding, because she still didn't hear the person, or more particularly a boy, that was standing in front of her apologize.

"Watch where you are going mudblood" he said out loud, catching a few people's attention.

"Mudblood? Boy if you try to act cool at least know who you are speaking with. I'm no mudblood to you" as she finished she walked past the boy.

When she came back into her compartment she found a bit more people there than she left.

There was another boy. Quite handsome.

"Oh. Alexia come" Theodore spotted her standing there first. She sat at her spot next to the window and when she heard the new boy speak turned to him.

"Black, Regulus Black"

"Lestrange, Alexia Lestrange" she introduced herself extending her hand for him. And he too passed the test when he took it into his and kissed it.

"Nice to meet you, Lestrange" Black said as he let go of her hand.

"Indeed" and with those words a castle came into the view.

All five first years looked through the window at the beautiful castle that was on the edge of a cliff. It was silent as they gazed at the beautiful view. It was interupted as the train stopped.

Out of the window Alexia saw a sign "Hogsmade station"

When everyone got out of the train, a loud but not very clear voice was heard shouting all first years to come.

"Fi'st yea's, fi'st yea's come"

And when Alexia saw to who the voice belonged she was astonished. A giant, no, probably a half-giant was standing next to a huge lake, a bit further you could see the castle shining with all it's glory.

"All in boats, all fi'st yea's get in" he said again.

Alexia and her new found friends got in the closest boat they saw, but before they could leave the shore, another girl climbed in.

"Hello, Rosier, Felix Rosier" the new girl introduced herself shyly.

"Oh God if we will introduce like good little purebloods we will take hours. So, hi Theodore Nott, here next to me Armand Mulciber and on the other side of me Regulus Black. Here in front of me sits Herbet Avery and next to him our dear Alexia Lestrange" when Theodore finished he smiled at the girl who looked a bit out of place with her white like snow hair.

"Nice to meet you, Rosier" Alexia said and gestured to the seat next to her for the new girl to sit.

Just as Felix sat down the boat started moving, just like all the others. They were informed by the half-giant, who's name is Rubeus Hagrid, that we are in the Black Lake. And of course with a recognizable name all three boys started going at the Black's youngest son and asking questions how did they get Dumbledore to name a lake after them.

When they got to the shore on the other side of the Black Lake, a woman was waiting for them.

"Thank you, Hagrid" she said smiling at the half-giant.

The woman waited patiently for all first years to get out of the boats and direct their attention to her.

The woman looked quite intimidating with her sterm look she was giving, but maybe it is just her normal face. She was wearing emerald dress robes, her hair were tied into a tight low bun and on her head she was wearing a huge hat with a pointed tip.

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