8. Friendly Talks

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"But we haven't finished talking" he said pushing the matter further.

"Because we don't have to. Now fuck off I'm tired" Alexia tried to turn around and open her door but Regulus' hand on hers became tighter and she winced.

When Regulus heard her wince he immediately let go of her hand and took a slow step back. He looked at her hand and then at his own, as if he was the one to hurt her this badly.

Alexia took her wrist into her other hand rubbing it and looked up at Regulus. When she saw the look in his eyes she wanted to reassure him that he didn't hurt her, that it was her mother, that it wasn't his fault that he held her hand a bit tighter where a dar blue and purple bruse was, he didn't know, he couldn't have known. Her eyes watering, but she didn't let her tears spill.

"For Merlin's sake, Alexia, please talk to me" he said in a calmer voice taking a small step forward. His stance became less threatening but more welcoming and calmer.

Alexia shook her head and looked down at the ground lowering her hands. Regulus was now really close to her, he put his fingers delicately on her chin and pulled it up to look at him.

"Alexia, come on"

But she turned around unlocking the door with her wand and entering, she didn't even tried to close the door behind her because she knew that Regulus would follow.

She stood in the middle of her room, she felt that she was panicking. She didn't want to panic, not now, not when he was here, not when he would see.

"Lexi.." he whispered. God that nickname.

She tried to calm herself down taking deep breaths in and out.

"That boy really never gives up" she murmured under her nose.

Alexia started to pick up stuff from the ground, cleaning around her room. She was nervous and almost at the verge of panic and couldn't stay still so cleaning in her opinion was the best option. Regulus was still standing next to the now closed door.

"Alexia" he said calmly and she stopped what she was doing, she had her back turned to him and a blanket in her hands that she was about to put on her bed. She tightened her grip on the blanket and held it close to her chest.

"Deep breaths in" she murmured under her nose breathing in "and deep breaths out" she breathed out. Repeating a few times.

Regulus slowly started to approach her.

"Please, talk to me" he was now in the middle of her room, slowly getting closer to her. Alexia felt a tear roll down her cheek and quickly wiped it away with the back of her hand and tried so hard to not let the other ones spill. Oh how badly she didn't want him to see her crying, to see her breaking and to hear what made her break.

When Regulus was standing right behind her, his chest almost touching her back. His hand went forward and placed it self on her right upper arm softly stroking it.


That sweet and sincere voice of his that could make any woman's knees go weak was a real blessing. And that plead of his was the final straw for Alexia to break.

A soft sob left her lips as the tears started running like the waterfalls. Just as Regulus heard her sobs he walked around to be in front of her, pulling her chin up and holding her face in his palms, he started wiping her tears with his thubs.

"Ohh darling, don't cry, don't cry, please." He pulled her into a tight hug and Alexia was so grateful for it, that she had someone to hold on to. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders while Regulus' hands sneaked around her waist. The blanket fell to the floor long forgotten as she held on to Regulus.

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