5. He Knows

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Alexia woke up early. She took a bath and putted on an emerald shirt with her green and black robes on top.

She took her books and putted them in her bag before exiting her dorm and locking it with her wand, because some Slytherins like to snoop around and Alexia doesn't want someone going through her stuff.

She walked into the common room to see it empty like always. So she walked towards the Great Hall, she already knew from first year that profesors get into the Great Hall around seven in the morning and as it was now twenty minutes past six she slowly made her way there because Argus Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts, always opened Great Hall's doors at around six in the morning.

She was first of the students. Only one professor sat at the table, or headmaster.

"Morning headmaster" Alexia greeted him as always and Dumbledore nodded his head back at her as greeting.

She took a spot at the Slytherin table and got her potions book out to read while she ate and waited for her friends to wake up.

At around seven a few students and professors started entering the Hall. But Alexia knew that her friends just now woke up, Theo's definetly still asleep though, lessons start at half past eight so she didn't worry much.

"Morning Miss Lestrange!" Alexia was greeted happily by her professor and head of her house.

"Good morning profesor Slughorn" she smiled at the older man.

"Here is your time-table. And wanted to remind you that the prefect meeting will be at thursday at around seven in the evening in prefect's common room. Please inform Mister Black and other prefects about it and don't be late."

"Of course professor, I will inform Regulus about that" and gave him a sweet smile.

"Thank you Miss Lestrange, don't know what I would do without you" professor smiled down at her and she laughed quietly.

"Well now all it's left is to go eat breakfast and give everyone their time-tables" Slughorn mumbled under his breath as he turned around and walked back to the professors table.

Alexia jumped a bit when she felt a presence on her left side and looked away from professor's retreating form to be greeted by a grey eyed boy.

"Morning Lexi" he smiled at her and started putting food into his plate.

"Morning Reggie. How did you sleep?"

"Went to bed late, so a bit tired but I will manage" he replied "could you pass me some coffee?"

"I told you to go to sleep, it was late already when I left" she said while passing him a mug of coffee.

"You have tell me a lot of things, I just choose to not always listen" he gave her a side smirk as he started eating.

With that comment she rolled her eyes and started reading again, leaning her back a bit on Regulus side.

But she soon was distracted by Regulus placing his head on her shoulder and glancing at her book.

"What are you reading about?"


"Why?" Regulus asked again.

"I have it first, so I thought I would read a head a bit."

He hummed as an understanding, but it send vibrations through Alexia's whole body as she shivered a bit, but luckily Regulus didn't notice.

"Morning, love birds" Armand greeted them with a smirk on his face. Their other three friends trailing behind him.

"Morning, mister I love annoying everyone till death" Alexia replied rolling her eyes and sitting up. She didn't notice a slight blush making it's way on Regulus face.

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