Cheating Boyfriend

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You, your boyfriend, and your best friend were all in the car vibing to some music. You guys were having the greatest time. You guys were blasting music in the rain, in the middle of a parking lot.

You start to notice that your best friend started to get a little touchy with your boyfriend. Of course, this wasn't the first time this has happened. She has always been a little flirty and touchy around your boyfriend, even though she had a boyfriend herself. 

"Hey y/n?" Your best friend asked from the back seat.

"Yeah?"You asked turning your head. 

"Can we switch spots?" She asked.

"Uhh no?" You asked confused.

"Oh come on y/n!" She pleaded.

"Fine," You rolled your eyes.

You both got out of the car, you got in the back and she got in the front, next to your boyfriend. She started to get more and more touchy, you saw her hand travel to his thigh. He didn't do anything about it though. You tried to tell her to stop, but she just making the music louder.

You finally had enough, so you stormed out of the car in the rain. 

"Y/n where are you going?!" Your boyfriend yelled getting out of the car.

"Home!" You yelled back.

"Why are you going home!?" He yelled back. 

You walked up close to him, "Because obviously I'm not needed," You said.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked.

"Well it's not like I'm your girlfriend anymore," You said looking up at him. 

"What?" He asked. 

"I see the way you guys look at each other, I see you enjoy her company more than you enjoy mine," You said turning away.

"What the fuck y/n we were just messing around!" He yelled. 

"Messing around?! You think that getting touchy with each other, even though you have partners, is messing around?!" You yell at him.

"I'm so done with this bullshit!" You yell. 

There was a moment of silence between you two, "I slept with her," he finally said.

Your eyes started to tear up, this person was your ride or die, he was always there for you, he even promised he would always be there for you.

"Good to know," You said walking away.

You finally made it to your house, your parents were gone, so you couldn't talk to them. You stormed upstairs crying. You walk into your room and see your best friend's boyfriend.  

"B/n?" You asked confused. 

"Are you okay?" He asked getting up from the bed and walking over to you.

"I could ask you the same," You said noticing his red eyes.

"I just got a call from him, he pretty much explained everything," He started.

"I'm so sorry," You said hugging him.

"I'm sorry too," He whispered.

"Hey, let's just rest for a minute," He said.

You nodded, "Let me just get dry clothes on first," You chuckled. 

You got some clothes out of the drawer and walked over to the bathroom. You closed the door behind you. You looked at your mascara running down your face, then your wet hair. He wasn't worth it.

You finally come out of the bathroom. You lay down on the bed with him right behind you. As you were half asleep, you felt warm arms wrap around you, pulling you into his body. He was warm and made you feel safe. 

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