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I woke up to the sound of a shower running from the bathroom at six in the morning. My eyelids took a while to adjust and open up properly, but when they did, I found myself alone in the bed, under the messy, disorganized sheets. I was always accustomed to waking up to Charlie, so it felt a little strange, but it didn't get me down. I shouldn't let my reliance on others get in the way of my own happiness.

My body was usually very weak in the mornings. I wearily leaned up from the bed on my elbows, looking at the bathroom door, a sliver of light glowing from underneath the door frame. I heard the knobs being turned as the water stream came to a stop. It was then followed by the sound of the shower curtains being drawn and wet footsteps being made across the bathroom floor.

The door then opened and Charlie emerged with only one, mangy towel around his waist. Our eyes met and the husky smirked softly. I blushed and hid my face, rubbing my eyes as an excuse. "You don't freak out as much as you used to whenever you saw me naked."

"You have a towel."

"Still." Charlie grabbed another small towel from the bathroom and began to dry the drenched hair on his head. "We've been together for four years and I still haven't seen you with your shirt or pants off."

"I'm really self-conscious about my body," I whined, jokingly pulling the blankets all the way over me, reaching my neck.

Charlie chuckled and made his way over to the bed, walking across the carpeted floor.

"You're dripping all over the carpet, Charlie," I grunted, sitting up and throwing the sheets off of me.

"It's my house, I don't care," He teased, approaching the edge of the bed as I slid backward on the mattress.

"Um, it's our house, and I don't want you getting things wet—" I complained as Charlie crawled halfway onto the mattress, droplets of water hitting the blankets and pillows of his side of the bed. "—CHARLIE COOPERTON, IF YOU GET A SINGLE DROP OF WATER ON ME—"

"Hey—Relax, scaredy-cat, I was joking," He laughed, retreating from the mattress and leaning down to my height on the bedframe. I grunted and rolled my eyes, scooting over to Charlie's side of the bed, facing him.

"You have to go to work?" I asked him, resting my chin on my paw.

A few awkward seconds went by as he just stood there, staring at me. It ended when he nodded very lightly. "Do you have work today?" He asked, turning the question back around to me.

"Yeah! Ever since the mural, I've been getting job commissions left, right, and center."

"That's great, Sky! Where are you headed to now?"

"This new commission is different. It's digital, so I can work from home. Now I just have to bust out that old Surface Pro," I planned, looking around the room, trying to remember where I had left it.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you use that thing in a while? Where did it go?"

"It's somewhere in the storage boxes of my art studio, so I'll have to do some digging."

"I hope you find it," Charlie exhaled, leaning in for a kiss. I smiled and gave him what he wanted, a quick peck on his damp muzzle. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

𝙲𝙰𝙺𝙴: 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘 (𝙰 𝙵𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝙶𝙱𝚃 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕) 🍰Where stories live. Discover now