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Almost every morning, when I wake up to Sky sleeping, usually, his head is rested on my chest and he is lying on top of my body, as he had done the whole night through. It's a good feeling to wake up to. The thought that he's all mine. The feeling of my larger, stronger build submerging his smaller, more fragile frame. The sensation of my duty as his protector, his knight in shining armor.

But, when the roles are switched, it's an even nicer feeling.

I woke up that morning, my head snuggled deeply into Skyler's chest. It generates the idea that I am loved in my own right. That these feelings I have for him are not one-sided. I feel Sky's arms around me, his paws resting lightly on my back. We're so close to one another. Our bodies fit perfectly together. Like two pieces of a puzzle. It's satisfying and relaxing and, as I had said before, a pleasure to wake up to.

It's also extremely cute when he's still asleep. I don't know how many times I've said that, but I honestly can't get enough of him.

I opened my eyes, my right cheek pushed up against the cloth fabric of his pajamas. It felt so nice just to be there, in his arms. My own home away from home. I picked my head up and placed my chin on his chest instead, staring intently at my sleeping kitten. His head was slightly tilted to the right, his eyes were closed, and his breathing, or should I say purring, was soft and hallucinating. The way the air, flowing out through the small nostrils of his pink button nose, ruffled his whiskers every time he exhaled made me want to giggle aloud, but I kept it in for his sake.

What was going on in that wondrous brain of his?

Was he dreaming? If so, what about?

I loved every second of this... I never wanted it to end. I could watch him sleep for hours.

This beautiful moment only made me sadder. I realized what I would be missing out on, moving to LA without my Skyler. I hadn't just realized it, the fear had always been in the back of my mind for the past few months, but it came back to hurt me at different intervals each day.

In six days' time, I would be leaving for Cali.

Sky would be staying here.

It sucks.

Because I almost... I feel like...

I wouldn't mind... if I could wake up to him... like this... every day... for the rest of my life.

I really wouldn't mind.

And that's why it sucks.

My eyes perked up in reaction to Skyler rolling his head to the left with a slight moan. Any small action from him can bring me back to reality whenever I'm deep in thought, even if it's just an unconscious head roll. I was in my own mind. Sky stabilizes me.

He began to squint a little as he moaned a little more, slowly bringing himself to wakefulness.

"Are you awake?" I asked softly, keeping my voice down.

"I dunno..." I heard him mumble, listlessly, through his lips that didn't want to open.

I chuckled lightly, leaning in towards his left ear and slightly opening my jaw. I teasingly sunk the tips of my front teeth into his ear lobe, nibbling at it. Sky began to moan in frustration a little more. I bit down a tiny bit harder. I could feel Sky begin to feebly smack my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He slurred with a laugh, still half-asleep.

"Biting your ear," I mumbled through my closed jaw as I pressed my molars down even harder.

𝙲𝙰𝙺𝙴: 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘 (𝙰 𝙵𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝙶𝙱𝚃 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕) 🍰Where stories live. Discover now