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"Hurry your slow"

"Coming tobio"

"Tobio y/n get inside its cold"

"Coming!" y/n said

                              - a bit later -

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- a bit later -

"Mom dad your home" tobio and y/n said

"Yeah were back. Did you guys have fun with miwa?" - mother said

"Yeah:D" - tobio said
"That's good to hear come let's make dinner" - father said

"Yeah:D" - tobio said"That's good to hear come let's make dinner" - father said

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- at the dinner table -

everyone was eating and talking about there day until mother spoke in a sad kinda voice
"I have something to say kids"
"What is it mom?" - your sister said
"... your dad and I are..." Mother said in a sad tone
"Dad and you what mom?" - you said
Your dad spoke up "your mom and I are getting a divorce..."

"What ... " tobio and you said in a sad tone about to cry
"Are you serious you guys are getting a divorce.." Your sister said tears falling out her eyes

"Yes..." - your mom said
"No this isn't real your lying" you said crying

" - your mom said "No this isn't real your lying" you said crying

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- a bit later in yours and tobios room -

"This can't be happanig tobio I can't there lying" you said
tobio just sat in his bed in silence about to crying again

"This can't be happanig tobio I can't there lying" you said tobio just sat in his bed in silence about to crying again

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- at the court house -
(Sorry for all the time skips)

"Miss kageyama you want to get a divorce with Mr" someone said

"Yes sir" your mom said
You were there with your sister and brother you and tobio crying silent so nobody could hear you

"Yes sir" your mom said You were there with your sister and brother you and tobio crying silent so nobody could hear you

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- a moment later -

It was time to see who was getting what child and if your dad got you, you and tobio would get separate and your worst nightmare became true your dad got you and you were separate form you little brother...

Hey reader sorry for makeing this first chapter sad but i do have to say something about y/n so they are older the tobio just by a year so not a big difference and in this story y/n is trans so right now they are girl and i will say when they are a boy ok bye:)

Word count - 337

His older brother (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now