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Hello I'm back after who knows how long :0 uh yeah I haven't been motivated but today I was so yep okay bye


Y/n's POV - 
It's like in the second season 💪

Today was exam day and well I'm smart and all but I sure do hate math exams D: is I was trying to get out of school yk but that didn't work so uh yeah I hate it okay but it's okay yk because I get to see Tobio and his team at the training camp yay so cool hehe uh yeah pretty much all I'm thinking about ig uhhhh what was I going to do again?

- After the exams at lunch -

No one's pov-
"Yay lunch time! finally i can play my games !" Y/n said
As I y/n was getting ready to start play games he heard some one in the hallway screaming his name he when to check it out it was lev the new member of the team .
Lev was tall like really tall hmm I wonder what they feed him? . As y/n tells lev to be a little more quiet when in the hallways lev was telling y/n that he wishes to practice with him

Y/n's pov-
Hmm I wouldn't hurt but I was really looking forward to playing games I guess it could wait a little longer as I tell lev I will practice with him he yells with excitement and everyone stares at us as I attempt to push him to the gym to start practicing . We both take our shoes off and put our volleyball shoes on and we start playing.

-Time skip-

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-Time skip-

Later that night Kenma and y/n decided to leave earlier so the could play games and sleep a little as you and kenma went home the sun was just setting
It looked very pretty
When you got home you were greeted by your father and a woman?
Strange that your dad had a women over you said hi to them your father explain that this was his new girlfriend she was pretty but you thought your mom looked better you made yourself up to your bedroom got your clothes ready for your shower
After your relaxing shower you made yourself to your bed and lay down for as you decide what you should do since it wasn't time to sleep yet as you were thinking a knock was heard from your door
"Come in" you said " hey dear I'll be heading out to dinner okay I'll bring you some off it okay!" Your father said , you didn't mind because you didn't want to go anywhere at the moment "oh okay , take care father" you said and with that your dad closed your door and left you decided to attempt to finish a book and by the time you knew you had fallen asleep.

Later that night Kenma and y/n decided to leave earlier so the could play games and sleep a little as you and kenma went home the sun was just settingIt looked very pretty -When you got home you were greeted by your father and a woman?Strange that...

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Hello uh it's short I know not really motivated yk I'll try to do this again soon enough 👌 uh okay bye🤗

Word count - 505

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