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Hello if you read my note yes you are in your second year of High school. Ok go on and read :)

No one's pov  -

Your alarm went off. You looked at the time and saw it was 7:00am you got of bed got dressed into your uniform did your hair

Your dad's pov -

Looks like y/n woke up luckily we live close so they wont be late. "Y/n! Come I made breakfast" I said and heard y/n running down the stairs

Your pov -

I heard my dad scream my name saying he made breakfast I went down stairs as quick as you could say baka yes pancake he made pancakes yay!! 

After I finished my pancakes I went and change my shoes and said bye to my father and left to school running because I was almost late

After I finished my pancakes I went and change my shoes and said bye to my father and left to school running because I was almost late

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Kenma's pov -

I wonder were y/n is they are never late probably slept in I guess go thing this year were in the same class which im surprised they are smart so why did they move to my class this year you what I will just ignore it

Look who finally wanted to join class its y/n. I said to myself as i saw y/n sit next to me
And great timing the thecher just go it A+ y/n :)  looks like were going to have to introduce ourselves again ugh

Your pov

Yes I got here just in time before everyone introduce themselves ok just wait for your turn ^·^

Finally my turn I stood up from my seat went to the front of the class wrote my name in the board Haruki y/n "hello my name is haruki y/n I hope we can all be friends :)" i said and went to my seat

Finally my turn I stood up from my seat went to the front of the class wrote my name in the board Haruki y/n "hello my name is haruki y/n I hope we can all be friends :)" i said and went to my seat

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Your pov -

Finally lunch time I will just eat in class everyone had already gone to talk to there friends in other class. I just stayed in class with kenma kuroo was talking to his friends
I opened my bento and began to eat a yes a peaceful lunch all I need in life

 I just stayed in class with kenma kuroo was talking to his friends I opened my bento and began to eat a yes a peaceful lunch all I need in life

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