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New chapter yay I also started school so yeah👍 anyway I didn't know what to do for this chapter. Some stuff for you is under here


Your pov -

Uhh what time is it ? Oh its 10 ugh good thing we don't have school today:) I'm actually kinda happy about it but I promised yaku I would go somewhere with him well better get ready then


-hey y/n you almost ready?

-yeah almost just need my shoes and i will meet you at the bus stop:)

-alright see ya in a bit :D

Ok I'm almost done just put on my shoes alright done. Let's go :D

No one's pov -

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No one's pov -

"Hey yaku-san!:D" "hey y/n"yaku said with a small smile on his face and soon both of you got on the bus on the way to your destination

As soon as you both got there you went to get some small snacks like some chips and a drink
And went to watch your movie that was about to start  as you were looking for your seats you see kuroo and kenma by we're you were going to sit you said hello to them and just in time the movie had just started...

no ones pov -

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no ones pov -

then movie ended and you and yaku had gone to some of the shops in the mall. As you were heading in to a store you heard someone call your name out
" I wonder who that is ?" You said as you told yaku to go in and you will catch up to him later "uh hello" you said confused at the person in front of you "hey I'm Nakamura Kaori from school" she said "hello Nakamura-San" you said still confused

(I didn't know what to but so)

your pov -

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your pov -

After that incountere with one of your class mates you decided to go home for the feast of the day and so did yaku you said your goodbyes and went on the train back home when you go there your dad was not there "he's probably at work still eh idc its fine "

Your dad came home at about 12:00 am you were getting up to go the bathroom and saw him come in the house you looked at the clock and it said 12 "he probably work overtime again" as you saw him enter his room you went to the bathroom (bc u didn't go yet) you got out and went to your room and feel asleep again.

Your dad came home at about 12:00 am you were getting up to go the bathroom and saw him come in the house you looked at the clock and it said 12 "he probably work overtime again" as you saw him enter his room you went to the bathroom (bc u didn't ...

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no ones pov -

november 1 6:00 am

you wake up and get ready for school , you  go downstaris  and make yourself a bolw of your favorite cereal and ate it in camly because you werent in a rush like thoese disney movies were the main chracter is always late and the parents make them pancakes and they just get  one piace of bread  but i just have caerl and plenty of time too and clases start at 8:30 am and its 7:30 so yea . after a fev minutes you are out the door ans head to school without kurro and kenma because they left early

when you got there its was 8:00 am so you had time to take a nap luckly kenma was awake and said he would wake you up because he wouldnt fall asleep because he had a full night sleep which surprised you he actually slept and didn't stay up all night playing video games . As you were falling asleep your phone dinged and you groaned as you got your phone out to check because it could be you father or mother checking on you but no it was miwa checking on you this time


Hey y/n

Hey :)

So did you get to school already?:)

Yeah , I did :D

Oh okay just checking you know .

Yeah okay I gtg , bye :)<3

Bye y/n<33

Okay time to actually get a nap .

That's the end sorry it short idk what happened but I finally updated yay :D Okay bye see you in idk like four or until Christmas or thanksgiving  for the next chapter (word count  751)

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That's the end sorry it short idk what happened but I finally updated yay :D
Okay bye see you in idk like four or until Christmas or thanksgiving for the next chapter (word count 751)

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