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Hello welcome reader I hope you like the story so far


Your pov -

We have been at training camp for a three days now and its been pretty good ig today I had made breakfast for everyone and I had eaten already so I decided to tell coach that
I was going for a run for a bit and i would come back before we started

Kuroo's pov -

I had just woken up from my slumber to see that y/n was missing I guess they went on a run I thought to myself I guess I just wake everyone up already

"Morning you guys y/n left me a note saying they made breakfast for us!"
And with that everyone woke up and ran downstairs to go eat the breakfast y/n made for us

"Hey kenma" "hey were is y/n ?" "Oh they went on a run " "oh ok"

"Hey kenma" "hey were is y/n ?" "Oh they went on a run " "oh ok"

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Your pov -

"Hey kenma are we lost ?" "No maybe idk "
"Ugh what are we supposed to do.." "I dont know think of something" "your not bored because your playing >:("
"Well why dont you play on your phone"
"Wait shut up kenken look a cat"
"Its looks like you " " Yeah ig it does " "I wanna pet it " "ahh it's so cute "

Hinata's pov -

I was running with the team when suddenly

Huh nobody's behind me ?

(Cat noise)

Huh a bright red jerseys ,  that Jersey isn't from these parts. Should I talk to them ???yeah I should
"Whatcha doing"

Kenma's pov -

Huh? Who's that. It's isn't y/n voice..
"Um...im lost" " what , are you from another town" "Yeah " "ahh you both play volleyball!"
"Huh?." "Your shoes there volleyball shoes."
"Oh yeah" "I'm in volleyball too what position do you guys play ?" "They play wing spiker " I said pointing at y/n "and I play setter.."
"Oh nice im a middle blocker "

Your pov -

Kenma your finally talking to someone A+ for you :D "oh nice im a middle blocker" the orange head said "are you guys in high school ?" "Yep/yeah" "what year are you guys im a first year!" "We're second years " "ahh crap you guys are my upperclassmen " "no its fine that thing that comes with sports and stuff its kinda weird " you said "oh you think?" "So do you guys like volleyball ?" " well I like but kenken doesn't much he just gets dragged by me and the captain" "oh my name is hinata shoyo":D. "Kozume.." "Kenken louder he can't hear you " " ok fine" "Kozume kenma" "ah nice what about you ?" "I'm haruki y/n :) " ah I like your name :D" "thanks" "sooo is your school powerful?" "Well they say it was but then it went down hill " you said "but as in for now I think its pretty good " kenma said as he stared at hinata , "woah kenken since when do you stare at someone like that your going to scare him " "what school-" " kenma y/n " you heard kuroo yelling your name and so you went , "see you later shoyo k " you and kenma said at the same time.

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