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Hello reader new update again:) hope you enjoy it <3


Your pov -

Well i made it really early. To school finally and looks like kenken is still not here? Oh well I guess its fine. Hopefully he's not sick or something.

No one's pov -

"haruki-kun someone's here for you"
"Alright" you had gone tonsee who it was and it was Kenken?? No probably someone else kenken doesn't look like that

Kenma's pov -

Well I think atleast n/n is going to recognize me kuroo did hopefully they do to :]

"Um hello.." "Oh hey are you looking for someone?" "Um yeah" " ok who is it so I can call them ":) "its y/n " "alright haruki-kun someone's here for you " "thanks.."

N/n is coming hopefully they recognize me
"Hey y/n " "hey ?" "Do i know you ?"
What they don't recognize me. "Just kidding kuroo sent me a picture of you see " "oh ok good "

   "Just kidding kuroo sent me a picture of you see "  "oh ok good "

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Your pov -


-hey tobio what are you doing?

-nothing much just having lunch

-oh same

-cool what to call tanaka-san and noya-san
What to see you
-if it's fine with you ?

-yes sure I dont mind:)

-ok well you call alright


Calling tobio<33

Hey tobio:)

Hey oh tanaka-san noya-san this is my sister she said you could see her when. She got home

Hey im tanaka :)
And im nishinoya

Hello nice to meet you im haruki y/n :)

Oh I thought you were going to say kageyama?

I'm using my dad's name :) but my name is kageyama y/n

Oh that's cool what school do you go to

Bell noise

Oh god im late to class i have to go bye you guys :)

Call with tobio<33 ended

Call  with tobio<33 ended9:01

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