Impel Down! ⛓️

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- Hello hello! I have Crunchy Roll! So that means... UPDATES!! I'm sorry there weren't any updates. Thank you for waiting 🙏🏼-

Fuck me... Teach beat the fuck out me... Traded me to become Warlord... I really should have listened to (Y/N). Why the fuck didn't I listen to her? It's over now, Impel Down... I'll never see (Y/N) again.

I hear footsteps coming closer. "Nobody can stop it now. We made the king of the sea... angry!" Its Garp, he sighs, "I wanted you and Luffy to become good marines. But instead, both of you brothers have become notorious hoodlums. I'm sure that you heard about Luffy. He picked a fight with the World Government at Water Seven. And destroyed the Judgement Island - Enies Lobby! I rushed there and gave him some tough love with this fist but he didn't learn even a little. So he went and made a big mess at Sabaody Archipelago. I'm so proud of my grandson! Hahahaha." Proud of your pirate grandson haha, "oh yeah. I told Luffy about his father. Luffy was surprised to know about his father."

"It doesn't matter to us at all. Because Luffy and I, unfortunately, have blood of the world's most infamous criminals in our veins anyway. There was no way for us to become marines. I took over the name 'Portgas' from my mother to whom I owe so much. But I never wanted to have my good-for-nothing father's blood. Because I don't have any memory of him and I don't owe anything to him."

"Ah yeah, I understand but he tried..."

"What I want to say is..." I look up at Garp, "Old man..."

'You are too valuable to let die now, boy. Run as wild as you want on the sea under my name. You are my son from now!'

"My only father is...  Whitebeard!"

"You Luffy both follow after pirates, Red Hair Shanks, Whitebeard." I chuckle, "what so funny?"

"It's nothing." I'll follow (Y/N) anywhere. I did follow (Y/N) anywhere...

"You know I can't do anything." I keep quiet, hear him walk away.

I wonder how (Y/N) going? Has she woken up? What is she going to think when she reads the letter? She's going to hate me.

I hear more footsteps coming to the cell again. Who is it this time?

The cell door opens, "I am... Not going to run!" The minotaur hits him over the head. It closes the door and walks away. "I can't even move to scratch an itch."

"They beat you up, huh? Captain."

"It doesn't hurt me, Ace-san. What hurts me is... that fact that I can't take a stand... For my beliefs about humanity and justice!"


"I can't die without doing something about it! I don't give a damn about the title of Warlord of the Sea! I don't want it! If it means I can stop this war... I'd be happy to sacrifice my life! I'm known by the government as a pirate who hates pirates except for you people."

"You hate pirates?"

"Must be surprising for you, Ace-san. I visited Whitebeard's ship frequently but because of my status, I always travelled under the sea to get there. Because I like you people."

"Ho-hum. I remember that you almost killed me once." I remember that day, haha.

"I can say the same for you. I just wanted to do something for him. Fish-Man Island is peaceful now and it's all because of the old man Whitebeard. When pirates go along the Grand Line, they always pass Fish-Man Island. Right after the dawn of the Great Pirate Era, Fish-Man Island was in trouble. Countless human pirates and Navy who were chasing after them... were wreaking havoc. A large number of Fish-men and mermaids were kidnapped and sold as slaves. And just when everyone gave themselves up to despair, Whitebeard came. 'I declare that this island is my territory now!' With just those few words, no one bothers Fish-Man Island anymore. What power! How could I ever forget that day? And he's protecting other islands with his name in the same way, too. It's not right to knock somebody down just because he's the head pirate! If he ever got killed what will happen to the sea?! It's clear to everyone that that time of confusion would come again! The government must know it, too!" He head butts the wall, "I wanted to stop the war even if it kills me. I wanted to rescue you, Ace-san."

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