Your Room/First Daughter 👩🏼

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A/N; I couldn't find the one I wanted...

"Gurararara, there's no use in making (Y/N) walk the cold corridors at night."

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded, did Pops really just allow Ace and (Y/N) to be together? Before they even got together!

- Ace -

So she's the daughter of a marine huh... We know nothing about her. Hope Pops knows what he's doing, at least she's hot.



"Why did Whitebeard make me his daughter?" I stop and look at her.


"He knows nothing about me, other than I was a daughter of a Marine Captain. Why would he ask?"

"Didn't you save that kid then got disown?" I started walking.

"Wait up!" I hear her running after me, now alongside me.

"Yeah, I did. But does he trust people so easily? What is it?" Now she was getting annoying.

"What Pops welcoming you into the family not good enough?!" She shrinks back behind me... Great...

"Sorry... Guess it's a little hard to believe, that someone actually wants me... My Father raise me to be a marine, I refuse to be one..."

"I don't know why he made you his daughter. You're our sister now, and that's how it is. Here's your room." Open the walk-in.

She follows me in and looked around, sat down on the bed. "Hmm, bouncy." She giggles to herself.

- (Y/N) -

Marco and Thatch walk in and stand by Ace.

"What are you giggling about?" Ace asks

"I'm just testing to see if the bed squeaks that's all."

"..." the trio stare at each other.

"Ace said not long ago that I'm your sister. So that means sex is a no go. All I have is to pleasure myself."

Again no reply, "unless you prefer sausage?" As I raise an eyebrow.

The trio stumbles over words, to defend themselves. I just laugh, they can't be this easy to mess with.

"Haha, did you want something boys?" I hop off the bed and smiled.

"Don't call me boy-yoi!" Marco growls

"Pineapple head better?" Gains a snicker out of the other two.

Marco growls, "okay okay, Marco it is."

"Mmmm... Pops said once you're done in here, come back on the deck-yoi."

"What food do you like?" Thatch ask.

"Anything but staple food! Blah, that stuff is nasty!"

"Hahaha, free-range I like it. See guys and girl later."

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