࿐ྂ ༘֨𖦹 In which they're childhood
friends... she's a Lupin-black
and he's a Potter. Oh yeah, and
instead of Voldemort, there's an
insane man who's ten times
more power...
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CHAPTER NINTEEN! — endless her
"Wrackspurts, Nargels, Umgubular Slashkilters"
"I DONT NEED A THERAPIST," Valerie told her father for what seemed like the 17th million time. Even though it had seemed like minutes since her encounter with Onyx, it had been nearly two months. January and February both flew by quicker than she would've imagined.
One of the first people to see Valerie was Remus. Since most people had already left Hogsmeade, Valerie walked back up to the castle in the cold. She was still shaken up and the reality only began to sink in once she was in her papa's arms. That was the only time that she started crying.
"You need a therapist." He shrugged off as she continued to grade papers. "You came into my office looking more scared than I have ever seen you, almost died, you found out Onyx- an insane serial killer demon wizard- is your sperm-doner, and found out you have the same abilities he does."
She huffed out a breath, blowing a small curl away from her face. She crossed her arms and stared up and the ceiling. "When you say it like that, I sound like a book character."
Remus shook his head, handing her a piece of chocolate that she gladly took. Valerie did feel like a book character a lot, like she was forced to walk the same straight line for the rest of her life. At least it helped when she was younger and acting like she was in a movie was bale to help her do easy tasks. Even when cleaning her room she would pretend like she was on a talkshow, sharing out the little toys and clothes before putting them away.
She took small bites out of the chocolate, letting herself get lost in thoughts. "yeah, I don't need a therapist. I need firewhiskey."
"What!" She laughed, throwing her hands in the air. "I've hears stories from Peter and Ember. I know that every Gryffindor party had a bit of firewhiskey in it- Dad even spiked the punch at your 6th year galloween party!"
Remus shook his head. Even though a disaproving look was on his face, he couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. "Get to class, Val. I'll see you later.'
Valerie stuck her tongue out at him, "So no therapist and I get firewhiskey?" SHe asked, putting on her smile she knew Remus couldn't just deny.
"No firehwiskey. No therapist... but, I am going ask you about your feelings a lot. Which, I know you hate it when I do that but I need to make sure your okay. Especially with Onyx becoming more powerful. I know you, Valerie and I also know you're going to blame yourself for the increase of murders. But, I and many others who love you have been through this before." He took a pause, sitting down his quill finally and looking to her. "I had friends who died during the first war and blamed myself. Its a reaction we all have but you cannot fall into it, okay?"