01- Prank night

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Hi, my name is Caroline Forbes, I have a 3-year-old girl called Wynter Luna Forbes I had her when I was only 17 years old but I don't mind. My friends are all year younger than me and we are part of the supernatural I was turned into a vampire a few months ago by Elena doppelganger Kathrine and well a lot has happened since then I found out my daughter was a banshee they are habaneras of death and when Klaus was around let just say my daughter was in a lot of pain. Right, Klaus Mikaelson is a Hybrid well the original hybrid who walk into town and tried to kill Elena but he did manage to take the good Salvatore and that would be Stefan.

Right now we are in school and I was dragging all of them to prank night. So Matt came and trigged all the mouse traps and well now Elena was walking out "Where you going" I ask as she picks up my daughter and that I growl. I am very protective of her and I always will be "I'm going to supper glow Alaric and I'm bringing your daughter with me" she said and walking out. Wynter doesn't like my friends very much ad she gets bad vibes from Elena like she did when she was next to Kathrine but worse.

Elena POV

I took Wynter with me I don't like her "Will you stop fussing you little brat" I said to her and that made her stop and I walk into something but I wasn't paying attention "God now I luck you in front of me or that would be bad for you and" The next thing I know I was been growled at "Now that know the way to act to a child Elena" I look up to see Klaus I dropped Wynter and she screamed and that hurt my ears and well Klaus pick her up and cover mouth "A banshee now this get interring" Klaus grabbed me by my arm and she was "Why aren't you trying to get out of his hold" I look at the 3-year-old and she just hid her face in the crook of his neck

We were now in the gym and Wynter is sat on the floor cry "Will you shut up" I shout at her Klaus look at me "You are just as bad as Kathrine always wanting the attention" Bonnie came in and well she looks at me "Bonnie get out of here" I shouted at her "I presuming you're the reason Elena still alive" He asked her with a smirk

It ben a few minutes and a blonde girl walk in with Tyler Lockwood "Leave him alone" I shouted at him "Well you see I have been having trouble with my hybrid and well they end up dying it quite gorse mind. I need you to save my Hybrid and for Tyler's sack" HE then snapped his neck.

Klaus POV

The little girl Screams when I snap the wolf neck I forgot she was here. I have this wired need to protect her but I also don't know why. The minute she screams A blonde comes to speed in and pick up her and then zoomed out. I look at Rebekah and she got the idea and I went after what went just vamp out of here I pinned her to the locker "Now who are you" I ask as I see her beauty she look like and queen fit for a king and that made me want her she just looks at me And then I can see the that she was her mother. I made the little girl "I'm sorry I scared you little one, but I'm the big bad wolf and all but I sewer on my life I won't hurt you or your mother" she looks at me and then her mother "What your name love" I ask her to ask I pick her up bridal style "One put me down and My name is Caroline Forbes and this is Wynter" She told me. I wasn't putting her down and I could tell she knew that "Well that is beautiful names for two beautiful people" I said making the little girl giggle at me and hide in her mother chest. I just look at the two and could help but smile "She's powerful you know love" I said stroking her cheek and I could tell that made her shiver "Right now Caroline I'm going to put you asleep and I know she's already out so you need to control Elena she very mean toward the little one" I compelled her after that and she went to sleep.

I walk into the gym and everyone gasp "Leave her alone" Elena shouted. "Now I'm not that cruel to hurt a young mother," I said as I look at Wynter "You can kill her for all I care Caroline better without that child anyways" I speed up to her and bit through her neck. I kept feeding but I felt her go lime so I stop. The witch and the human boy both ran up to her. "Well unless you want Tyler to die you might want to go and get your witch juju," I said as I walk back over to the two girls. "I'll keep Wynter, Caroline and Elena here," I said smirking at them all. I want to pick up Wynter so when she started to move I saw that as a reason to pick her up. She just curled in my arms and I had to fight off the smile. "She's adorable" My sister whispered in my ears. "Indeed she is Rebekah " I look at the blonde next to me. And well I could tell the Wynter didn't have a dad around. For some reason that bothers me. I had a father but he was not good but I still had a male figure she doesn't. "So this is the lasts doppelganger, the original one was much pretty," Rebekah said to Elena as she panted from butting into her. "Leave Rebekah Take the wolf boy as well" She huffed but picked the boy up by his leg and dragged him out.

I sat with Wynter cuddled into my chest and me humming something my mother used to hum when I was scared. "Why are you so interest in her, she's a kid and a brat that should die," Elena said breaking me from my focus but before I could answer her Stefan walk through the doors. "Stefan," The doppelganger says as he walked through the doors but he just kept looking at me. "Wynter, Caroline. Klaus doesn't hurt them" I could tell he cared for them but why. I'm missing something and I don't know what. "I won't," I said softly. Stefan sighs in relief. "Stefan" Elena said a lit bit more anger than before. "Damon welcome to the party mate," I said as he walks through the doors. "It looks like he was debating saving the blonde or  Elena "She's yours isn't she," I said look at the older Salvatore. Now I know "And let me guess you don't want anything to do with her because Elena thinks she a threat to her, well want to know something Damon she danger's but she more dangerous without her father. Like look at me I didn't have a good one and now everyone fears me but I Think her mother will keep her anger in" I could tell Wynter was a part vampire so she going to be born with heightened emotions and need to drink blood." I kept a hold of Wynter while snapping Damon neck "Don't leave you too" I say and speed out to a room "Why do you want brother" Wynter opened her eyes and was about to scream "It's ok it's me" She was still tense. "TY, will he be ok" the little girl as "I'll be ok little princesses?" She looks at him and then at me. "Looking for this," he said handing me a bottle and I could tell they were blood in it "Why are they....." The wolf boy cut her off "Damon Salvatore is her father, making her part vampire" I look at him funny "It's ok she knows he told her then walk off like she was nothing." I growled and I could tell Tyler want to kill something "Don't do anything you to I have some were to be" I say and then walk out of the room and went back to the gym.

"Ok, come to save your damsel mate," I say as I walk through the door. I knew Stefan was still here, not want me to hurt the two. "I want to pledge my loyalty to you and this time fully," He says. I nodded "Prove it kills them. " I say point to the two "Stefan doesn't he said he won't hurt me," She say. I put Wynter in my chest as she drinks er bottle and Stefan killed the two people. "Why kill them," I ask. But he ready look at the little girl in my arms. "OK wares the necklace" He looks at Elena now "Sweetheart, where the necklace." At that moment my sister came barging in "She has my necklace" "We know where to try to find out where it is." I say roll my eyes. "I don't have it anymore" My sister went off it and rip right through Elena's neck. I put Wynter down and rip my sister off her "Knock it off" I shouted a bit Wynter start to cry and Stefan pick her up "It's ok" He says and it looks like he showing him some think "God Damon you just sent us all to death" He says "Why" Caroline say and see me. Hey, when did she wake up "Caroline your brat of a daughter is going to get me killed" Elena say as she holds her neck

"Where is the necklace." I say as I bend down to Elena "I don't have it, Kathrine stole of course Katharina" I roll my eyes "Now back to this why has your idiot of a brother sent us all to death" Rebecca said "Cause the idiot went and fond Mikael the destroy, oh and a 3-year-olds found out how to make your hybrids" Caroline say for Stefan as she tries to put her daughter back to sleep. Bonnie come in "Bonnie. What my problem." "As much as we all love Tyler his is going to die" Tyler came in and walk over to Caroline and put his hand on her shoulder. I growled flashing my eyes at him and he got the message." Now, why do you I have to die" He say "Hum well nether does Elena" I heard a little voice say "She rolls her eyes I, Tyler Rebecca, Caroline, Stefan Laugh Damon shot up and goes to Elena side but with Bonnie and Matt

"Well I love to her little one," I say and walk over to her Caroline put her one the fall. I bend down and she lifted her hand I look at her "It is how her banshee magic works" Caroline said. "That impossible" "Shut it, witch," My sister says "Elena doesn't die," She said to me. I look at the doppelganger and roll my own eyes

I look at her "No I won't kill her" I say "And neither can anyone you have as or people that work for you or compelled" I look at her in shock "You are very smart" She smiles at me "Ok" She nodded her head place her hand on my check "Well this is interesting" I say "I'm going to kill that little brat" Damon say I can see that Wynter hurt but I pick her up "no one going to hurt you" I whisper to her " I gave the little girl to Her mother I need to get Elena blood before Mikael get here. So I grab her and speed out.

Hi guys. I have to start a new book this will be the main one I'm working on. I will still be working on His Little wolf but that will be a slow update. I hope you like the cheaper.
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Ruby-Jo xx

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