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warming up

Kathleen was talking to Maya and Lauren, when she saw Evan come storming back to the circle. He then looked straight at her, and pointed. "Kathleen!"

"Uh, yes?" She looked up at the boy. She feel in a trance again as they had locked eyes. Kathleen had thought she was way over Evan Morrow, but she was wrong.

"How did you get Coach Bombay to give you private lessons?" He asked her, and Kathleen froze up. She didn't get him to, he just offered them to her. "I don't know, he just offered them to me."

He groaned as he sat back down in his seat. Practice finished five minutes later, and Kathleen got all her hockey supplies together. She had to walk home everyday since her parents worked so much.

Evan, Nick, and Logan all lived in her neighbourhood, but they all got carpooled by Alex. Logan watched as she gathered her stuff, and walked out.

"Do you walk home?" He asked her, Kathleen turned around. She nodded at him, and then he looked back to where Nick was talking to Evan. "Hey guys, I'm going to walk home with Kathleen today."

Nick turned to the two of them, and smiled. "I will too, I could use the exercise." He turned to Evan who seemed a little upset that both of his friends were ditching him to walk with the girl who had been obsessed with him.

"I'll- I'll walk too," Evan spoke out as he pulled out his phone. "Let me just text my mom to tell her." The three of them nodded, and then when the text was sent the four of them ventured out the door. Their neighbourhood was around a twenty minute walk.

"So, Kathleen, what position do you like to play?" Nick asked as they started walking through the city. Kathleen thought about what position she would love to play the most. "I like playing on defence, but offense is more my style."

"Kathleen, we are friends right?" Logan asked her. She nodded. "Can I call you Kat for short then? It's just way easier to say."

"Sure Logan. All of you can if you want, I don't mind." She says as she fidgets with her hands. Logan smiles as he says "Cool!"

Evan stayed quiet for most of the walk home as he trailed behind the three of them. He didn't get how Logan and Nick were all over her, like how special was she, she was weird!

They finally reached Evan, Nick, and Logan's house and Kathleen started to say bye to the boys. "Bye Nick! Bye Logan! Bye Evan." She said to the last boy who hasn't spoken to her the whole walk.

"Bye Kat!" Logan and Nick said in unison. She then turned to Evan as he mumbled, "Bye Kathleen."

Kathleen rolled her eyes as she walked to her house which was a few blocks down. Kathleen didn't even care much about Evan anymore, she had the team.

Evan still kept trying to get Sofi on the team. I'd he had to be honest, he and well Kathleen were the only two good people on the team, and to win they needed more.

"So how is the team going?" Soft asked Evan. Evan told her how is mom is basically doing everything except for what they should be doing. He told her he really missed her, and wished she was on the team, but she basically ignored it saying. "I heard Kat joined... how is she?"

"Honestly, way better than I expected. She has been getting private lessons for years now, and is probably as good as you." He tells her, and Sofi scoffs. "This is probably the first time I heard you say something good about Kathleen Vos."

The bell rang, and Sofi left Evan there alone in the hallway.

Kathleen sat in home room as she stared at Evan Morrow's empty seat in front of her. She wondered where he could be since they had practice today. She then looked up as she saw someone rush into the room. It was Evan. He looked right at her before he sat down in his seat in front of us. Their teacher, Mr. Tenor, looked down at Evan. "Thank you for finally joining us, Mr. Morrow."

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