Chapter 1: Muichiro Tokito

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I woke up and saw Y/N reading a book, I smiled 'Y/N has always been this intelligent,' I then went to go eat the breakfast Y/N made for me.

"Umai!" I said with happiness

Present (7 years later, Y/N is 14, Kyojuro is 20, Senjuro is 15):


"I told you! Books are not for girls! Girls are supposed to do household chores," my father yelled at me and slapped me in the face, I looked around and saw all of the books scattered on the floor, Kyojuro was a pillar so he was too busy

"Father! It's okay for girls to be well-educated!" Senjuro said yelling at him

It went on for a bit until my father gave up and went back to bed. Senjuro then looked at me and hugged me.

"Sorry that I'm not as strong as Onii-chan..." he said in a sad tone

"It's ok... you're doing your best," I said reassuring him with a smile "Let's tidy up! I'll make lunch!"

I went into the kitchen I started to make rice, miso soup, and grilled mackerel. I then knocked at my father's door and went in, he was laying on his futon, I left his food next to him. I then sat down across from Senjuro. We both thanked our food and started eating.

"Umai!" Senjuro says with happiness "Your food is always tasty Y/N!"

"Thank you Onii-chan!" I said with happiness, I then washed the dishes and placed them away, I then secretly took out Kyojuro's old nichirin blade and hid it under my haori. I then took a couple of textbooks and hid them in a bag.

"Onii-chan! I'm going out to the forest!" I said telling Senjuro

"Okay! Be careful and come back before sunset!" he says as he continues to read

I smiled and walked out of the estate towards the thick green forest. I found a clearing where I could practice. I placed down my bag and took out my blade. I then stand in a stance. 'I remember in the textbook I am supposed to relax my shoulders a bit, but my arms and legs should be sturdy,' I changed into that position

'Shift your left foot back a bit,' a voice in my head says, I followed along, 'Now try to swing that blade,'

I swung the blade, it was a swift cut. I was amazed. I repeated many times. 'Good now goes to the stone in front of you,' I then walked towards the large stone in front of me, 'Raise your blade high and cut it. The first form of sun breathing, dance,'

I then breathed and raised my blade high. 'First form, dance'. I then closed my eyes and dropped my blade down, I opened my eyes and saw the stone cut in half. I gasped slightly. I repeated it many times with different-sized rocks, I then finally got the hang of it. I then notice the sun was about to go down. I carried my bag and my nichirin blade and exited the forest. 

I then went back into the estate and placed everything back to where they were. I then realized that I forgot to wash the clothes, I quickly grabbed all of the dirty laundries and placed them into a bucket of water with soap, I then washed them vigorously. I then started to hand them on the line, I was a bit too short to place my brother Senjuro's haori onto the line.

"You need some help little sister?" I heard a familiar voice said, I turned around and saw Kyojuro, I gasped slightly, and ran and hugged him

"I'll make you favorite today! Sweet potatoes!" I said happily with determination

"Really!?" he says laughing "If you don't mind I brought some of the pillars over,"

I then peeked behind him and saw five pillars standing there.

"Hello! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji! I'm 19" the girl with pink and green hair said giggling kindly

"I'm Shinobu Kocho, I'm 18, it's a pleasure to meet you," the girl with black to purple hair

"I'm Sanemi Shinazugawa, I'm 21," the boy with white hair says

"I'm Obanai Iguro, I'm 21," the boy with black hair and a mask says

"I'm Muichiro Tokito, I'm 14," the boy with black to mint color hair said, he was the same age as me

"Hello! I'm Y/N Rengoku, I'm 14 years old," I said bowing my head "Welcome Kanroji-san, Kocho-san, Shinazugawa-san, Iguro-san, and Tokito-san, I'll start prepping dinner!"

I then walked back into the house and to the kitchen. I decided to make soba noodles, tempura, and sweet potatoes. Luckily, I've already pre-made my soba noodles the day before. I started cooking batches of soba noodles, I then started washing and steaming the sweet potatoes. I then fried the tempura.

Kyojuro POV

"Wow! You have such a great sister Rengoku-san!" Mitsuri said smiling

"I know! And her cooking is very good," I said proudly, I then saw Senjuro awkwardly sitting next to me, I whispered to him in his ears, "Relax,", he then relaxes and breathes

Y/N then walked in with a tray of soba noodles, tempura, and sweet potato and serves it to Shinobu, I got up to help her out.

"Here let me help you Y/N," I said going into the kitchen

"Onii-chan you had a long day! Sit back down," she tells me, and I then fought her to get into the kitchen, but she pushes me back down onto my seat, I sighed, Shinobu giggled


I then served everybody their portions. I then walked to give father his food. 

"Father here's your dinner," I said placing the food next to him, I then exited the room and walked back and sat in between Kyojuro and Muichiro.

"I hope the food is to your liking," I told the pillars, we then all thanked for our food, they all slurped the noodles and their eyes widened, they took a bite of the tempura.

"Umai!" they all commented, except for Muichiro, his eyes looked empty and blank

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