Chapter 5: Sun Pillar

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"I'll be happy with whatever my younger sister makes...She deserves the entire world..." I said with a sad smile

"What do you mean by that?"Tengen asks

"Ever since my mother passed, Y/N has been physically and verbally abused by our father, even though we were always able to stop him, he still continues," I explained "But she never allows his anger to corrupt her...She always took care of us..."     

2 months later:


I've been requested to go to the Ubuyashiki estate. I received my new haori and nichirin blade. My nichirin blade color is bright red. I walked towards to Ubuyashiki estate where all of the pillars were there waiting. 

"Oyakata-sama has arrived," two little girls says

We then all kneeled down to show our respect.

"Hello pillars, what a lovely day it is," he says "You may be wondering why I've summoned you and Y/N Rengoku, Y/N Rengoku would you like to be our 10th pillar? The other pillars have already agreed with my decision. You have shown great strength and even killed an Upped Rank five,"

"I would be honored," I said with a gentle smile

"Great, you are now the sun pillar, your own estate will be ready in a week," Oyakata says with a smile

"Thank you," I said in a respectful voice

"Your very welcome, you are dismissed," he nods, we all then left the estate with happiness

"My younger sister is now a pillar!" my brother says cheering

"Congratulations!" Shinobu says hugging me, I thanked her and hugged her

"Congratulations Y/N-chan!" Mitsuri says joining in the hug, I thanked her too, the rest of the pillars congratulated me too. Muichiro then walks towards me and was holding something behind him.

"C-Congratulations..." he says and turns red, he then hands me a bouquet of cherry blossoms, I held them

"Thank you Tokito-san! I will cherish them!" I said smiling happily and held it close to my face

"Y-Your welcome..." he says covering half of his face and runs to the other pillars, I chuckled and admired the cherry blossoms, 'He's so cute when he gets all shy,' I thought to myself. I looked up into the sky and used my hand to cover the sun from shining in my eye

Muichiro POV

I walked to the other pillars and sighed. I then looked at them, they looked like they were about to but into laughter.

"Haha...That was so cute!" Tengen chuckles

"S-Shut up," I said looking back at Y/N who was staring at the sky 'She looked really beautiful...' I thought to myself.

"Haha! I can't wait if my sister dates you!" Kyojuro laughs, I looked at him confusingly, "I give you my blessing,"

"T-Thank you..." I said looking away, he then pats my head, Mitsuri and Shinobu then walks to Y/N and tells her something, she smiled.


"Y/N-chan! We should have a sleepover at my estate!" Mitsuri says in a happy voice

"That would sound nice!" I said smiling

"Come over at seven!" she says chuckling, I gave her an 'okay' sign. I then went back home and changed into my red yukata.

"Y/N! Congratulations on becoming pillar!" Senjuro then hugs me

"Thank you Onii-chan!" I said happily

7 pm:


I got dressed into a different red yukata, this yukata had cranes on it. I also packed a bag with my pajamas. I tied my hair in a bun and placed my mom's hairpin in. I then brought my nichirin blade just in case. I continued to walk to Mitsuri's place. I knocked on her door and she welcomed me in. I then saw the other pillars wearing their own yukata's.

"No worries, they are only here for dinner," Misturi, who is wearing a pink one with flowers, whispers in my ear

Shinobu was wearing a purple yukata with butterflies, Kyojuro was wearing a red yukata, Tegen and Sanemi were wearing a greenish blueish yukata, Giyuu was wearing a blue yukata, Iguro was wearing a black and white yukata, Gyomei was wearing an olive green yukata and Muichiro was wearing a dark mint yukata. I then sat down next to Muichiro who was sipping tea.

"You look very beautiful tonight Y/N," Sanemei says

"Thank you," I said smiling, Muichiro then coughed, "Are you okay Tokito-san?"

"I'm okay..." he says and glares at Sanemei

'Was Muichiro jealous?' I asked myself. Mitsuri then served us our food. We thanked our food and consumed it all.

"Umai!" Kyojuro and I said at the same time

"Ara ara. They are definitely siblings," Shinobu chuckles, all of the pillars laugh, except for Muichuro, I was a bit worried about him, he looked mad

"Are you okay? Tokito-san?" I asked him with a gentle voice, he nodded silently, I couldn't handle it anymore, I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him outside, I looked at his face as his eyes widened.

"Y-Y/N what are you doing?" he said turning red and stuttered

"Tokito-san, I care about you, a lot," I blurted out, his eyes widened some more, "Out of all of the pillars besides my brother, you are my favorite,"

"You're my favorite too," he sighs, I then hugged him, I heard him gasped quietly, he then embraces me back

Shinobu POV

"Eh? They are hugging?" Mitsuri whispered, we were all watching Y/N and Muichiro hugging, they then stopped hugging and smiled and laughed. Kyojuro then lost his balance and knocks all of us onto the floor. Muichiro glares at us.


I then released him and smiled at him, he let's go too. We both then laughed it all off. We then heard a thud, it was the pillars, they were watching us, I then saw Muichiro glaring at them, they then backed off. I then chuckled.

"You're cute when you smile," I said smiling at him, he blushed and turns away

"I guess I'll smile more..." he says muttered under my breath, I then patted his head

"Let's go back in," I said smiling

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