Chapter 2: Sun Breathing

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"I hope the food is to your liking," I told the pillars, we then all thanked for our food, they all slurped the noodles and their eyes widened, they took a bite of the tempura.

"Umai!" they all commented, except for Muichiro, his eyes looked empty and blank



"This is very good Y/N!" Mitsuri says happily

"I agree! The tempura is full of flavor!" Shinobu adds on

"The sauce for the soba is delicious!" Obanai said smiling

"I'll admit this is good..." Sanemi said in a slightly annoyed voice, I thanked them and looked back at Muichiro

"Is the food not to your liking Tokito-san?" I asked and tilted my head

Muichiro POV

She tilted her head at me in a cute way. I've noticed how beautiful her eyes were. My heart pounded faster. I then turned away.

"No, it's good..." I said, I then peeked at her expecting a sad face, but she was smiling

"That's good to know!" she said happily

'I've never seen anyone this happy or bright before...' I thought to myself, I slightly turned red, Shinobu nudged me and whispered in my ears

"You like her don't you?" she giggles, I shook my head no and turned even redder

A month later:


I got out of bed early so I could train, I made some onigiri for my father and my brothers. I then took the bag full of textbooks and my brother's old nichirin blade. I then walked into the forest and then noticed that there was a lot of shade for demons to come out. I've already mastered three sun-breathing techniques. I then stand in my position and breathed 'Fourth form, burning bones, summer sun,' I then made a circular slash and cut the rock smoothly. I cheered happily, I then heard a twig snap, I turned around and held my blade, I then saw a demon, in his eyes it says "Upper-Rank Five". I gripped my blade tighter.

"Ho ho ho~ It seems that I was too loud," the demon chuckles "How old are you, little girl?"

"I'm 14..." I answered

"You're young...Too bad that you are going to die!" the demon charged at me

I gripped my blade and breathed. 'Third form, raging sun', I then made two horizontal slashes, I then cut the demon's head off and it fell onto the floor.

"What!? How?" the demons yelled, he then disappeared into ashes

I then heard another twig snap, I turned around and pointed my blade and the target. It was my brother Kyojuro, I placed the blade back into its case.

"You killed an Upper-Rank Five?" Kyojuro asks, I nodded my head, he then smiled and hugged me tightly "My sister is going to become a powerful demon slayer! How long have you been training for?"

"A month..." I said, he then released me

"What? A month?" he asks, I nodded my head, he then smiles brightly, "I guess mom was right...You do have extraordinary talent, but that breathing style wasn't fire?"

"It was Sun breathing," I told him, he looked at me stunned

"How about you train a little bit more and I'll take you to the final selection next week," he says smiling, I nodded my head excitedly

Kagaya POV

"Caw caw caw! Someone has killed the Upper-Rank Five!" my crow cawed "A girl who is not part of the demon slayer corps, Y/N Rengoku has killed him,"

"That's interesting..." I said sipping my cup of tea "What breathing is she?"

"Sun breathing! Caw!" he says, I widened my eyes

"Sun breathing huh?"

A week later:


I've now mastered seven sun breathing techniques in such little time. I breathed 'Sixth form, Solar Heat Haze', I then slashed the stone horizontally.

"You missed!" Kyojuro says, his eyes then widened when he realizes when I didn't

"Sixth form, Solar Heat Haze, it may seem that I've missed the target, but I truly did," I explained with a smile

"I see, I think you're ready for the final selection! The final selection is tonight!" he then walks to me "I wish you luck!"

I hugged him and he hugs me back. I then walked away in the distance.

2 hours later (Tanjiro is 15 years old):


I made it to where the final selection takes place, the place was full of beautiful wisteria flowers. I stared at their beauty. I was wearing my red haori with my mom's hairpin. I then walked to where everyone was. Then two girls then appeared.

"Everyone, we thank you for coming here tonight," two girls appear "To the Demon Slayer Corps Final Selection, there are demons imprisoned here on Mt. Fujikasane captured alive by the Demon Slayer swordsmen and unable to leave. That is because wisteria which demons hate so much bloomed even out of season from the bottom to halfway up the mountain. However, there is no wisteria from this point on, and so demons abound. You'll need to survive here for seven days to pass the Final Selection. And now, be on your way," they then bowed, and everybody including me went into the forest.

I walked around but kept my guard up. I then heard multiple screams coming from one direction. I raced over to see what has happened. I then saw one large demon-fighting three boys. I rushed in determinedly. And blocked the demon's attack from the three boys. I then pushed the demon off me. 'Third form, raging sun,' I breathed and made two horizontal slashes that killed the demon. I then placed my blade away and I turned to the three boys.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, they all nodded their heads, I smiled "That's good, I'm going to go now, I hope I see you in the end!"

I then ran off and ran into a tree, waiting patiently in case someone needed help. I then saw a boy with a fox mask struggling to fight a demon. 'Fifth form, setting sun transformation,' I jumped into a backflip and delivered an attack, I cut the demon's arm off.

Tanjiro POV

She appeared out of nowhere and attacked the demon. She had red eyes and, black and red hair. She then prepares in a stance and attacks his head but misses. 'She missed?' I thought to myself.

"Haha! You missed!" the demon chuckled

"Take a look at yourself again..." she says smiling, I then looked at the demon and saw his head roll off and onto the floor

"What?! How?!" the demon exclaimed angrily

"Sixth form, solar heat haze, it may seem that I miss, but I already got a clean cut of you..." she explains as the demon disappears 

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