Chapter 4: Celebration

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"Me neither..." he whispers back

"Hey! I can hear you!" Kyojuro says angry voice but smiles, you can see a blood vessel about to pop

"Eek-" Senjuro and I say



"Bahahaha! You should've seen your faces!" Kyojuro said laughing as he wrapped the invites on the crow's ankle, Senjuro and I both smiled. We then heard a knock at the front door. I opened the door and saw Muichiro.

"Oh! Hello Tokito-san!" I said happily "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I got an invite..." he says showing a piece of paper "May I come in?"

"Ah! Of course!" I said smiling "Would you like some tea?"

"Yes please," he says as he sits down, I then poured him a glass of green tea, I placed it on the table, I noticed that he was looking outside, I came close to his face, "What are you looking at Tokito-san?"

Muichiro POV

I was staring at the clouds outside. What a beautiful day...

"What are you looking at Tokito-san?" Y/N asks I turned around and my eyes met hers, we were only a few centimeters away from each other, I turned red.

"I-I'm just looking at the clouds," I stuttered, she looks outside and smiles

"It's a beautiful day!" she says staring outside

"Not as beautiful as you..." I whispered

"Hm?" she asks curiously

"Nothing," I said facing away


'How cute!' I thought to myself, I then looked at the door and saw Mitsuri, Sanemi, and Shinobu walking over with a man with jewels. I went out to greet them.

"Hello, Kanroji-san! Kocho-san! Shinazugawa-san" I said smiling and bowing "Hello! I don't believe that we've met? I'm Y/N Rengoku, I'm 14,"

"I'm Uzui Tegen! I'm the sound pillar! I'm 23," he says flamboyantly

"Kya! I can't wait to eat Y/N's food!" Mitsuri said happily

"Yeah...I'm only here for the food..." Sanemi said looking away

"Oh...Onii-chan is actually cooking today..." I said avoiding their gaze

"Eh? Rengoku-san is cooking?" Mitsuri says in confusion

I then heard yelling in the kitchen. Mitsuri, Tengen, Shinobu, Sanemi and I ran inside. The scream came from the kitchen I opened the door and saw a pan on fire, Rengoku and Muichiro trying to get rid of it, Senjuro struggling. I then looked at them, I then picked up a bucket of water and splashed it onto the stove. I then looked at the three boys who avoided my gaze.

"What did you guys do?" I asked them with a tick mark

"Onii-chan added way too much oil..." Senjuro said still avoiding my gaze, I then sighed and cleaned the kitchen up

"I'm going to cook," I said tying my hair up, I washed and cooked a lot of rice. I then sliced salmon, tuna, and yellowtail, I then felt people's presence behind me, I turned around and saw them peeking behind the door. 

"Do you guys want to help out? I'm making sushi and sashimi," I said smiling brightly, they all nodded, they all came out of the kitchen and rolled the rice into ovalish balls, while Muichiro helped me cut the fish, I can see him struggling to cut it. I chuckled a little bit.

"What's so funny?" Muichiro asks

"Your a demon slayer and you wield a blade and you can't cut a piece of fish," I said laughing, he turned a little bit red, "Here, I'll help you,"

I then stood behind him and held his hand and helped him cut the fish, we did that multiple times until he finally understood how to do it. We then assembled the sushi and placed them on the table, I then used a pair of chopsticks and picked out some sushi for father. His favorite is tuna, so I picked out a lot of tuna for him. I then placed it next to his futon. I then joined my friends to eat sushi. We laughed and talked.

"So Y/N how long have you trained before you took part in the final selection?" Shinobu asked

"A month and a week," I said, Tengen spat out his tea

"What?!" Mitsuri exclaims "That's a very short period! Did someone teach you?"

"No," I said tilting my head "I taught myself, but there was always this voice who told me what to do in my head,"

"EH?!" Shinobu, Mitsuri, Tengen, and Sanemi says in a surprised voice

"That's strange..." Sanemi says in confusion, I shrugged my shoulders and we changed the subject, I decided to go outside for some air. I looked at the bright moon shining. I swung my legs around.

"Y/N?" I heard a voice, I turned my head around and saw Muichiro

"Oh! Tokito-san! What are you doing outside?" I asked

"I thought you may want some company..." he says and sat down next to me, the wind blew into my face, causing my hair to land on the front of my face I tried to fix it.

"Here, let me help you," he says fixing my hair, I couldn't really see him because my hair is all over the place, he then pushes my hair around my ear, I then saw him smiling at me. He was only a couple of centimeters away from my face. I stared deeply into his mint eyes. 'Has he always looked this handsome?' I asked myself, my heart pounded faster.

Muichiro POV

She stared at me with her beautiful red eyes. I turned red. She then reaches her hand towards me. It then moved upwards to my head, she then pulled something out of my hair.

"A leaf was stuck," she said giggling, I blushed to a brighter shade of red

"T-Thanks..." I stuttered 

Kyojuro POV

"Oh! Rengoku-san! Did you know that your sister has a secret admirer?" Shinobu states

"What?" I said in confusion 

"Oh, so you don't know that Tokito-san has a crush on Y/N?" Shinobu states I spat out my tea, Senjuro then pats my back

"What?!" I said in confusion

"I mean it does make sense, he always turns red whenever he sees Y/N-chan," Mitsuri adds on, I then calmed myself down

"I'll be happy with whatever my younger sister makes...She deserves the entire world..." I said with a sad smile

"What do you mean by that?" Tengen asks

"Ever since my mother passed, Y/N has been physically and verbally abused by our father, even though we were always able to stop him, he still continues," I explained "But she never allows his anger to corrupt her...She always took care of us..."     

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