Chapter 15: Awake

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"You protected me long enough...It was time that I protected you..." I said I continued to bleed, "If I die...Tell Senjuro-Nii-Chan to always follow his heart. And tell father to take care of his body. Tanjiro, Inosuke, I believe in you. And Nii-chan...Take care of yourself, and strive to make the world a better place,"

I then closed my eyes and everything turned dark.


Nobody's POV

Shinobu's crow told the news about Y/N's and Kyojuro's injuries, she then runs back to the Butterfly Estate to help them.

Mitsuri's crow told the news about Y/N's and Kyojuro's injuries, she gasps.

Muichiro's crow told the news about Y/N's and Kyojuro's injuries, his eyes widen, he tears up and he runs to the butterfly estate.

Tengen then received the news "So, Y/N-san and Rengoku-san couldn't beat the Upper three Moons?"

Obanai then receives the news "I don't believe it,"

Gyomei prays for Y/N's and Kyojuro's health.

Sanemi crow told him the news "Those repulsive demons, I'll exterminate them all!"

Giyuu was the last one to receive the news "I see..."

Kyojuro POV

I was healed, but I lost my left eye. I then walked to the Rengoku estate with Tanjiro. I saw Senjuro and I hugged him. He tears up, I teared up too. I then saw my father standing there. He indicated Tanjiro, my brother, and me to come inside for one second.

"How's Y/N..." my father asks

"She has broken bones and her guts were luckily not damaged..." I reported

"What a useless fool..." my father muttered under his breath "She should've just listened to me and become a housewife!"

"Y/N was not a fool!" Tanjiro stands up 

"And what do you know about my daughter!?" my father stood up and yelled at him 

"She tried her very best! Her very best!" Tanjiro yells back 

"Tanjiro...Father...Sit back down," I told them, I then smiled gently, "Y/N was more of an older sister figure than a younger one, she was caring and thoughtful. So, father, how could you think that she was useless?! Who did you think cared for you for the past years?"

"How dare you insolent brat! How dare you mention your mother!" my father points at me, my father then stands up and leaves the room "You were also useless?! You have no talent!"

"Y/N told me if she died, she wants you to keep care of your body, and that even though you hurt her, she still loves you," I stated, my father paused for a moment and left the room, I then heard him sobbing behind the door

3 months later:


"Where am I?" I asked, I then noticed that I was at the butterfly estate, I then touched my stomach and felt it stitched up. I looked around and nobody was there. I then stood up and walked out of the room. I then saw my elder brother, I teared up.

"Nii-Chan?" I asked as I stumbled and tripped, a pair of arms caught me, I looked up it was Muichiro

"Your awake Y/N," he smiled "You okay?"

"Yes, thank you Muichiro-kun," I said, I then saw my brother turn around, his eyes widened, he slowly walks towards me, I then looked into a mirror in front of me, I noticed that I had a flame mark on my neck that leads down to my left arm. I carefully analyzed myself.

"Eh? What's this?" I pointed at my arm and neck

"Oh it's your demon slayer mark," my brother explains, I tilted my head, "You must have survived the life-threatening conditions of having a heart rate over 200 bpm and a body temperature over 39° Celsius. Only the most powerful demon slayers have them,"

I opened my mouth wide, my eyes then glowed.

"Cool!" I said happily, I then turned to my brother who has an eye patch, "Nii-Chan? Will you be retiring because of your eye?"

"Oh! I won't be retiring, I still have another eye," he says happily, I smiled and then hugged him, he hugs me back, I then looked at Muichiro and smiled at him, he then clears his throat

"I think everyone will be excited to see you in good health, should we host a celebration for Y/N's recovery?" he asks, I nodded and Kyojuro shrugs his shoulders, Kyojuro then sent an invite to every pillar

An Hour Later:


I was chopping up some mushrooms and cabbages, while Kyojuro was cutting some beancurd and onions. We were going to have sukiyaki. Muichiro and Senjuro were at the market buying sliced beef. I can hear Kyojuro muttering 'sukiyaki' under his breath, I can tell that he was excited about the sukiyaki, I giggled slightly. Muichiro and Senjuro then returned with sliced beef.

"Thank you!" I said smiling brightly, I then rolled up my sleeves "Okay! Let's assemble the sukiyaki!"

I first filled a large pot with water and I boiled it with some soy sauce, sugar, and mirin. I then covered the pot up. A couple of minutes later I then added the shitake mushrooms, cabbages, beancurd, onions, and sliced beef. I then covered it with a lid and allowed it to boil more. I then heard the door knock, my eyes light up and I walked to the doors and opened them. I then saw all of the pillars and they all ran up to me and hugged me.

"I'm so glad that you are alive Y/N!" Mitsuri says squeezing me tightly "I brought some sakura mochi if that is okay?"

"Of course it's okay!" I said, I then lead them to the dining room "Come on in, we're having sukiyaki!"

Everybody then rushed in, I chuckled a bit. I walked to the kitchen to bring the large pot out. I then accidentally slipped and I felt a pair of arms helping me up. I looked up and saw Muichiro.

"It wouldn't be good if you had another injury Y/N..." he said with a serious face, I then got up

"Thank you for helping me Muichiro-kun!" I beamed, he then turns red and covers his face, I then went into the kitchen to get the large pot, but I was stopped by Muchiro

"I'll carry it out...Go and sit down with everyone else..." he says smiling and walking past me, my heart thumped faster and I turned red

Now it's Time for a Taisho Secret

Muichiro got a lot closer with Y/N's brother Senjuro after buying sliced meat

Mitsuri made the sakura mochi with Obanai

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