Chapter 6: Sleep Over

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Enjoy! I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual


"You're cute when you smile," I said smiling at him, he blushed and turns away

"I guess I'll smile more..." he says muttered under my breath, I then patted his head

"Let's go back in," I said smiling

Present (10 mins later):


Everybody started leaving one by one except for Shinobu and Mitsuri.

"Goodnight everybody!" I said bidding them goodbye, I then saw Muichiro smiling in the distance, I sliding the door close, I then turned to Shinobu and Mitsuri who was smiling happily, I tilted my head in confusion, "Is there a problem?" I asked them

"Nonsense, go and shower," Mitsuri and Shinobu say as they pushed me into the bathroom where a warm bath was waiting for me, I took my yukata off and stepped into the bath, it soothed my soul and it smelled like cherry blossoms. 'Cherry blossoms?' I thought to myself, I then remembered the cherry blossoms that Muichiro gave me, I chuckled to myself, I then stepped out and wore my pajamas. I then slid the bathroom door open and there Shinobu and Mitsuri were changed, there were three futons laying on the tatami. I then laid on the empty one.

"So how was your hug?" Shinobu teases me, I turned a bit red

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked her

"Come on! Do you have feelings for Muichiro?" Mitsuri asks

"What?! No! Maybe..." I then avoided their gazes and blushed "I do..."

"EEEEEEEEEK!" Mitsuri and Shinobu squeals, I then buried my face under my pillow

"Ugh...Kanroji-san...Kocho-san..." I sighed

"No need for the honorifics Y/N!" they both giggled

Muichiro POV

I have no idea why I'm here, to be honest. Tengen invited the rest of the pillars to also have a sleepover since the girls are having one too. I was laying on my own futon trying to avoid all of the noise.

"So Muichiro! How was the hug?" Tengen bends over and asks me, everyone then was curious and wanted to listen

"That's none of your business..." I said turning red

"Are you ever planning to confess to her?" Giyuu asks

"No...I don't know! What if she rejects me?" I asked

"Well, I think she likes you back, I know my sister, so it's worth the shot," Kyojuro says encouraging me, I blushed

"Really?" I asked and my eyes widened, Kyojuro nods

"Why do you even like Y/N in the first place?" Sanemi asks

"She's kind and caring...She cares about other people's feelings before hers, she's also really really pretty, I fell for her when we first met," I said and buried my face into my pillow, the boys then fell asleep and I slowly drifted to sleep.


"So why do you like Muichiro?" Mitsuri asks

"He's cute and thoughtful when he gets embarrassed my heart pounds quickly, I've liked him ever since we've met," I said sighing happily, I felt my body warming up with joy, we continued braiding each other's hair like Mitsuri's

"Aw, that's so cute!" Shinobu says smiling, she then yawns, "I'm feeling tired, good night," we nodded in agreement.

The girls then finally fell asleep, I then slowly drifted to sleep. 



I woke up laying on the same cherry blossom petals when I first came here. I then saw Yoriichi standing in the distance. I ran to him.

"Tsugikini-san!" I said waving to him, he turns around

"Hello Y/N," he says smiling, I then stood next to him and we looked at the never-ending clouds and cherry blossoms

"I can never get over this view! I bet Tokito-san would love it!" I said smiling

"Tokito?" Yoriichi asks

"Ah! That's right you don't know him, Muichiro Tokito the mist pillar, he's the same age as me, he has black hair with mint-colored ends, he has beautiful mint eyes," I said happily

"You must really like this boy," he says with a smile

"I mean yes I do, I care for him very deeply," I said smiling, he then pats me on the head

"Good," he says and disappears into flower petals "Till next time Y/N,"

I smile and nodded. I then sat back onto the petals and fiddled with the flowers that are falling from the tree.

Dream Ends

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