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Once they arrived, Kai bolted out of the car but was quickly stopped by police officers protecting the scene.

"Let me go find him!" Kai struggled against the men but they were too strong for him.

Soon enough Beomgyu had joined them and was able to get Kai away from the officers, "Hey," Beomgyu rubbed the younger boy's back, "You need to calm down."

Kai didn't respond and instead just wrapped his arms around Beomgyu and held onto him like his life depended on it.

"Everything is going to be okay," Beomgyu whispered as he stared at the building. In reality he had no idea if that is true or not because that's just the kind of business Soobin was in. You could die at any second with no reasoning. He hoped that somehow Soobin can make it out of this though, not because Beomgyu likes him, but for Kai's sake.

By the time they got here the fire was already put out but there was still a huge crowd of people around. It was odd to Beomgyu, he hasn't seen this many people on this side of the town before. I think it was a bit overwhelming, even for the officers, because they began to shoo away the crowd.

"Hey," Beomgyu slightly pulled away, "I think we need to go."

Kai shook his head in disbelief, "What about Soobin?"

Beomgyu looked at him with pity, "If he's okay then he will text you. There's no point in waiting around here because it won't make a difference."

Kai pushed him away and turned his back to him to look at the house with any hopes that Soobin would appear.

"Kai let's-"

"If you want to leave then leave but I'm waiting for Soobin."

Beomgyu scoffed, "I can't leave you here by yourself Kai especially not after you getting hurt the way you did."

Kai didn't respond and Beomgyu just sighed. He wasn't going to change Kai's mind so easily. Beomgyu wrapped his arms around Kai from behind and buried his face into his back. Then they waited.

And waited.

Then waited some more.

They had to have been out here for at least a couple of hours by now.

"Kai," Beomgyu whined, "My feet hurt."

"Then go wait in the car," Kai suggested, still refusing to remove his eyes from the house.

Beomgyu judged and began to pace around the area, making sure to not get too far away from Kai. Beomgyu made his way down to the corner of the street. He looked back at Kai who still remained in the same spot and then turned his attention back in front of him and that's when he saw a hooded figure leaning against one of the buildings across the street. Beomgyu gulped and took a few steps back.

"What's wrong?" the figure asked, "It looks like you've seen a ghost."


"The one and only," Soobin nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Beomgyu scowled, "Kai has been waiting for you for who knows how long now!"

"Well I can't go over there now," Soobin shrugged, "They saw my face. They know I'm affiliated with the gang. It's risky for me to even be this close but I saw you and Kai were here so I wanted to be sure that you guys knew I was alright."

"Why didn't you just text one of us?" Beomgyu asked.

"Lost my phone in fire," Soobin shrugged.

" Well come on," Beomgyu looked between Soobin and his car, "I can sneak you over to my car and we can get out of here."

My Antidote - Soobin x HueningKaiWhere stories live. Discover now