Chapter 1: The Incubus Game

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At Diamond City University every Halloween there's a game played by the Omega fraternity Omega Zeta or 'OZ'. This game is called the incubus game. The rules of the game are as such, each new member needs to track down their target and convince said target to sleep with them. But the catch is, they can not outright ask to be slept with. If the target asks if they want to, they can say yes. But otherwise, it is the player's role to hint at what they want.

Whoever is able to convince their target to sleep with them only needs to bring back a scented object to prove that they have. Those who are successful stay in the fraternity, those who are not are asked to leave. This is an official 'unofficial' tradition and many members use this as a chance to confess feelings for their crushes. This is exactly what Hayden's goal was for tonight. As much as Hayden would love to stay in the group, as he had made some really great friends among the members. His real goal was to confess to someone he felt very strongly about.

She was an alpha, which surprised Hayden. He had previously thought of himself as being only attracted to male alphas and betas. He had never felt this way towards a female alpha before. But Ryder, Ryder was different. She was special and made him feel special. So earlier that day, Hayden laid the groundwork to see her outside of class by borrowing her notes. Texting her at the library he told her he'd met her there to return them. He didn't actually need them, he just wanted to have an excuse to get her alone.

Adjusting his cropped turtleneck sweater he chewed on his lip nervously. He had put on his best scent enhancing perfume and did his hair so it was soft and bouncy. Tightly clutched in his hand was a pair of devil horns and a notebook full of notes for their shared ethics class. He waited in the study room in the basement for Ryder. After waiting about twenty minutes Hayden was just about to give up when the door opened and Ryder walked in.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I live a little off-campus and there were a ton of trick or treaters." Ryder apologized walking into the room, she wore a thin cotton jacket with a cable knit sweater. She closed the door and turned around to see Hayden sitting there. He watched her eyes spot the notebook first and then the horns. "I see you brought a costume?" Ryder joked sheepishly, Hayden felt his cheeks heat up. There was no way she didn't know what those meant. Everyone knew. Any alphas who were willing to play the game would hang little devils in their windows the night before Halloween.

"I brought your notes," Hayden said handing them over. "Thanks," Ryder replied sounding awkward, the two of them were silent and Hayden felt regret fill his veins. "I... I was wondering if you could... Help me out...?" He worded his request carefully, it was a little straight forward but he didn't directly ask. He slipped the horns on his head nervously, he felt his hands shaking. He liked Ryder so much, he didn't want to mess this up.

It killed him though, Hayden was so confident with everyone else. A huge flirt even. But with Ryder, everything felt new and he felt so inexperienced. He looked up at Ryder nervously who was staring at him. "Are you wanting to go trick or treating?" She asked cluelessly, Hayden felt his eye twitch. Ryder was a huge sweetheart and when it came to books she was so smart. But why, why when it came to people was she so dumb?

"No." Hayden tried to speak coyly, "I uh... Do want a trick and treat though." He bit his lip slightly trying to be flirty, he stood up and approached Ryder. She had been standing next to the door and Hayden reached over locking it. No one ever came down into the basement for studying. Especially this late. There were no cameras or windows. It was more private than the dorms most of the time. Hayden pressed himself against Ryder and ran his hands up and down her arms. "I like you." He whispered, "I like you a lot Ryder." He was a bit more direct. Maybe she'd put it together if she understood how he felt.

Ryder blinked and tilted her head, "is this some sort of prank? There's no way you actually like me." She said looking around. She moved away from Hayden and peered around the room looking for cameras or recorders. Hayden stood there frowning. "I do!" He snapped frustrated. Ryder looked up from looking under the table and stared at him. "Why?" She asked sounding more exasperated than anything else. Hayden stared at her feeling frustration and anger rise up in him. "Just forget it!" He exclaimed marching over and grabbing his jacket. He pulled off the horns as he spoke to himself. "This was so stupid, what was I even thinking!" He complained as he marched over to the door and tried to pull it open before realizing it was locked.

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