Chapter 5: Betrothed

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It had been a joke for a while between their families. Their parents had been friends in their younger years and always joked about arranging a marriage between their children. Then, very quickly, things became serious. Before anyone knew it. It was reality. The Hamilton Dukedom was running low on funds, so it was only natural that the new money of the West family would be of great help. So when they were children August Hamilton and Dallas West were engaged.

Being only six years old and introduced to someone that you're told is going to be your wife is frightening. Especially when your wife is bigger than you and is looking at you with a weird stare. So who could blame little August for bursting into tears at this situation, never mind him shouting, "I don't want to marry her!" When pressed why little August could only answer in the best way he knew how. "She's ugly!" Maybe he felt bad from the hurt look that appeared in her eyes. But he was scared and she was scary. He hoped this situation would go away. But it didn't.

Despite the bad first meeting, their parents continued with the engagement. As they grew up and visited each other. Both August and Dallas did not directly speak. There had been what August perceived as attempts to get closer to the girl who would be his wife. But they all ended with the young girl running away at the very sight of him. She kept her distance from him. So he had never heard her speak.

Things quickly hit the fan when both Dallas and August presented as alphas. August had presented first, always being an early bloomer. Dallas presented shortly after him. Their parents freaked out at first, before realizing that despite being the same dynamic. Things could still work. While it would be difficult, in theory, Dallas and August would still be able to have children. Because thankfully, in their eyes, August and Dallas were not same-sexed.

As their parents sat with each other talking about this duel alpha couple they knew of or that one, August sat beside Dallas wondering what she thought of their parents' plans. They had talked about test tubes and surrogacy. But as always Dallas said nothing and didn't even look at August. Only nodding or shaking her head when spoken to. Otherwise, her eyes were to the floor as if she were trying to make herself disappear.

It was frustrating. If she was at least willing to interact, August would feel a little bit better about the situation. After all, it hadn't been a surprise that Dallas had been an alpha. Her tall figure and stoic appearance were very common for female alphas. Their parents had been gunning for August to be an omega or at least a beta. This was mostly because August had extremely soft looks and was much smaller than Dallas in height.

A dark thought haunted August for many years after that. Maybe if he had been an omega... Dallas would actually talk to him. Or at the very least look at him.

The years passed and the engagement still persisted. Their parents arranged it so both Dallas and August went to the same university. The university was mostly designed for children of political figures and nobility. But because Dallas was engaged to August. She was able to go as the future Duchess of Hamilton. Because of their engagement, the university placed them in the same apartment. They had assumed that Dallas and August had some sort of relationship. They were wrong... But anyone would assume that.

Most days the apartment was quiet, August had hoped against hope that he'd actually hear Dallas's voice for the first time. But she said nothing and she refused to make eye contact with him. She didn't even speak when she was in her room. August had no idea he was so disgusting as to not even look or talk to when they were living together. But she wasn't a bad housemate. Her chores were always done, though August had no idea when she did them. Washed clothes, cooked meals, she seemed to do them all without him looking. It felt like he lived with a ghost.

Outside of the apartment, being in a same dynamic engagement made August a bit of a spectacle. He often got comments or jokes, there were even backhanded compliments about him and Dallas. August ignored them for the most part. His friend, George a fiery beta and an heir to a Dukedom himself. Often got into fights with people about giving August a hard time. It made him feel a little better seeing people run off with George chasing after them.

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