Chapter 6: Cotton Candy Hair

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CONTENT WARNING: Body negative image triggers and implied work abuse

Kai had always been extremely shy for an alpha. She was soft-spoken and didn't like to attract a lot of attention. She was also not as fit as an alpha should've been. The media was filled with fit and athletic female alphas but Kai... She was softer than most. She was still strong, able to lift on whatever she needed to. Which was helpful on her parents' farm. But she was a big gal, her mama said it was because of her Viking ancestry she was like this. Kai didn't know about that. All she knew was no one liked a chubby alpha.

She had tried dating, most omegas or betas didn't believe her when she said she was an alpha. Others laughed at the very idea because while female alphas were getting more representation in media. Everyone still wanted them to be fit and look like they were able to protect. So Kai just sort of cut herself off. Animals were better than people anyway, so she spent her days after high school helping with the farm as she always did. Looking for something to do in her spare time, however, she got into online gaming.

She loved fantasy games, her favorite animal growing up was unicorns and she had consumed whatever media she could find with a unicorn on it. She had no idea why she was so obsessed with the mythical animal but something about it... So it was only natural that when Kai was given the opportunity to run a virtual kingdom that she would put a unicorn on her flag. Just for fun, she made it bright pink, which made her happy. Many people were sure she was an omega decorating her castle in pastels and soft colors. But Kai just liked soft things, she liked cute things as well. Something that most alphas didn't have the guts to admit.

Her username online was Pastel Empress. She ran around in pink clothes and all of her pieces of equipment and mounts matched. Even the NPCs in her kingdom matched as well. She had her kingdom set on the furthest reaches of the map to be left alone and leveled her character up to max. The game was just something silly that Kai enjoyed and she hadn't expected to get as popular as she did. But she did, she had accidentally helped a streamer who was trying to stream their attempts on a boss fight.

She had miss clicked and ended up joining working as a tank. The streamer was able to heal and beat the boss. From there, things took off and people started approaching her. Most of them asking for help with story stuff or boss fights. Kai spoke to them through text chat which some of them were surprised by but most people were nice enough not to ask why. Which was a relief because Kai didn't want anyone to hear her voice. For fear that they would find out who she was somehow and this brief stint of popularity would just fall apart. It was a silly fear. But emotions don't care about logic.

But despite not responding on the mic she was friendly and nice to most everyone. But she refused to add anyone to her friends' list. She didn't want them teleporting to her castle. That was her safe space in the game and she didn't want it to be bothered. She even went as far as setting it up so when someone did find her castle they couldn't walk in because it would disappear by using a rare item. On top of that, she had spent actual money moving it from in the middle of a field on the edge of the map to the top of the tallest mountain in the game. She felt foolish spending real-world money on something virtual but her privacy was important. Also the light shade of pink looked amazing in the snow. Kai even planted cherry trees outside of her castle to give it that extra zing of sorts.

But as much as she loved the game it didn't consume her life. Most days she was too tired to even log on. But Fridays... Fridays were when she could play as much as she wanted. Logging in on a Friday she did her dailies for her castle. She then walked out of the castle to find a new player standing there. Yellowtail was his name. Kai tilted her head not knowing how this guy ended up here being a new player so she typed in chat. "Hello Yellowtail." His character model turned around and faced her. He must be playing in first person. "Where did you come from?!" He exclaimed in the chat.

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