Chapter 2: Keys

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Mickey had never been popular, he was awkward had a stutter, and was chubby. He wasn't pretty like other omegas that everyone fawned over. He was round and short. He had nothing in his appearance that stood out. But still, he wanted to try putting himself out there. If only once just to know what it was like to be with someone. That's why he was here at the Kappa Alpha sorority party. He had managed to get in because he was friends with one of the member's omega girlfriend Megan. The bubbly and friendly omega was ecstatic to hear her shy friend wanted to try putting himself out there. She had even gone through the trouble of putting him together an outfit.

Megan said he looked cute. But all Mickey felt like was a giant pink blob. Taking a sip of his drink he sighed hovering at the edge of the room. He watched Megan chat and laugh with the others. He couldn't help but feel jealous. He had tried joining in on the conversations happening around the room as she had. But he was either ignored or his voice wasn't loud enough to be heard over the speakers. He then noticed her motion over to him as she talked to some of the members who looked at each other and smiled. He couldn't hear what was said but Mickey knew that look. Poor Megan missed that red flag, but Mickey was too familiar with it. He gulped down his drink with a sigh. Well, being humiliated would be how this night would go for him. He thought to himself.

Megan bounded over to him excitedly, "Mickey!" She practically yelled, "We're going to be playing a game! They're needing players, you should join!" She grabbed his free hand and pulled. "What's the game?" Mickey asked letting himself be pulled. There was no use fighting the inevitable. Megan quickly pulled him over to the group across the room. "It's called keys!" One of the members exclaimed hearing him ask as he was pulled over to the group. "There's locks on every bedroom in this house, we pull out a random key and you get to go in there and have fun with whoever is inside!" She explained with a grin, she held a plastic bowl in her hand. It had a small mouth and Mickey couldn't see inside.

"Do I get to pull a key out or does someone else?" Mickey asked looking up at the group of alphas who looked at each other with grins. "Nah, only the key master can pull." The alpha with the bowl explained, "So you interested?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows slightly at him. Mickey frowned, she was acting way too friendly. He looked over to Megan who was clueless. "Is anyone else playing?" He asked exasperated, "Yeah!" Another alpha exclaimed before shouting, "Hey bitches who wants to play keys? Line the fuck up if you do!" There was a cheer that thundered through the house and people began to line up behind Mickey.

"Since you were invited first sweet cakes, you get the first key." The 'key master' winked at him before handing him a key. "It's the last door on the second floor in the east hallway!" She told him, "Have fun." She added smiling. Mickey grumbled to himself taking the key, he never agreed to the game. But they were insistent. "Might as well get this over with." He whispered to himself slowly climbing the stairs. He glanced down to see other people taking keys and spreading out through the house. Others rushed past him heading for their assigned doors.

Normally Mickey would be embarrassed by this behavior not understand how people could rush off to have sex. But, lately, Mickey felt like he was ready for that sort of thing. He hadn't been in a relationship yet so, hooking up was probably his only chance at getting any experience. That's why he came to the party. He had hoped to run into some alpha and click with them. Maybe hook up and maybe more later on. But he would just be happy with a one-time thing. So he couldn't judge because he was participating too.

He could only imagine how horrified his parents would be to find out their innocent son had gone out to look for that sort of thing. In their eyes, they were sure that some God-fearing alpha would fall out of the sky and sweep him off his feet. But that never happened and it only made Mickey feel even more worthless each year that he 'saved' himself for an alpha that never showed up.

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