Chapter 4: Third Wheel

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River, Parker, and Max were friends since high school. River had been sort of adopted by the close omega duo during her first few weeks at the school. After graduation they were inseparable. So it was only natural they would go to the same university and get an apartment together. It was a small two-bedroom apartment. River got her own room being an alpha, she needed space to den. Parker and Max shared a room being used to sharing everything as they had known each other since they were children.

River said nothing about the single bed in their room or the shared nest. She was used to her friends being very close. She even said nothing about them kissing in front of her or the sounds that came from their bedroom during their heats. It wasn't any of her business. That all being said, it was hard not to notice. The sight of her roommates 'accidentally' walking out naked or wearing next to nothing. River began to wonder if Parker and Max wanted her to move out. As they had begun to show more open affection towards each other lately. Something in high school they had done in private until River accidentally walked in on them.

Such was the case as today. River flipped over an omelet in the skillet ignoring the wet kissing sounds coming from the living room. This wouldn't be a problem for her if it had been anyone else but Parker and Max. But River had a problem, it had been a persistent one since high school. She was in love with them both. She said nothing though, the stereotype of greedy alphas wanting multiple omegas as mates haunted her. It was gross and made her skin crawl, but still, she loved them both. Equally and deeply. Maybe that's why it hurt to think they wanted her out? River mulled over what she could've done or said wrong? Maybe she had overstayed her welcome with them? River had a hard time making friends, so maybe she had been too clingy with them?

River looked down and noticed her omelet was a little overdone. Sighing she put it on a plate anyway. There was no need to waste food. She put some hot sauce on the overdone eggy mess and grabbed a drink. She headed for her room glancing over at the two young men making out on the couch. She stood there for a moment and Parker noticed. "Is something wrong?" He asked, pulling away from Max. Parker had very soft looks, it reminded River of those soft plushies at the mall. She always wanted to hug him.

Max on the other hand was leaner and vixen-like. His eyes were narrowed constantly and there was always a challenging smirk on his face. Like now, he was wearing the same expression as always. As if he was waiting for River to say anything. River took a deep breath and sighed.

"I think..." she spoke up, "I think I'll start looking for my own place soon." She said softly. The two men froze solid, River stared at them quietly before adverting her eyes. "I feel it's best." She added before heading towards her room. "What the actual fuck River!" Max exclaimed causing River to stop.  "Are we not going to talk about this?" Parker asked a bit more kindly. Max glanced over at Parker and looked back at her. "Yeah what the hell is going on?!" He exclaimed hopping over the couch.

Max was always a bit rougher when he spoke, but River could tell he was concerned. Parker, on the other hand, River watched as he shook on the couch. His hands gripped onto the back of the couch cushion. His knuckles were white, River could tell he was furious. River looked back at Max who was standing in front of her. She let out a sigh, "I feel like I'm invading your guys' space." She clarified. "So you have a problem with me and Parker?" Max asked looking upset. River shook her head, "No. Why would I have a problem with my friends being happy together?" She asked.

"Then what's the issue?" Parker spoke up, barely keeping control of his voice. River smelt his scent across the room distort into what she could only describe as burnt popcorn. "You two need the extra space. You already have a nest together and everything. Couples don't usually have a third person living with them." River looked away refusing to meet either of their gazes. "River." Parker started to say but River cut him off. "Also I'd like to date soon and I don't know if any omega would be happy with me living with two omegas." She added quietly looking down at her progressively cold eggs.

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